Percy Pov

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We boarded the ship and it was fancy . I am still wondering why this was offered to us for free . I went to my room and kept all my stuff and I slept after having dinner . I was still bored . I wish I could go down in the ocean for a little swim , that would be pretty entertaining . Many of the couples in my school were re-enacting the Titanic scene with Jack and Rose . I rolled my eyes . It might be romantic and I could do with Annabeth but it doesn't suit us . Our love is way different than the rest . I would rather do something different than that . 

Suddenly , I heard fishes screaming for help . I noticed no one was around me and I jumped in the water and swam towards the voices . I saw a school of fishes being captured in a big net . As I recalled , this location was not meant for fishing . It was an entertainment location in the ocean . I once came here to see the show , it was pretty good . I heard there were no fishermen here , so all the fishes usually arrived here . But this was illegal fishing . 

I took my sword and I cut the net , making sure the fishermen weren't looking . I swam away with school of fishes . They thanked me so much and calling me their savior . I soon returned back to the cruise and dried myself . Luckily , everyone was too busy to notice me.

I started at the sea , it's constant lapping calming me down . I soon got bored and memories started to resurface . I missed the Argo 2 . It was more fun to be on that ship instead of this fancy one . There were way more less people but people whom I trust the most .

I heard some of my dumb mortal classmates discussing about how terrible I was and how anti-social I was . I don't even care about their puny thoughts . They worry about clothes and items . I worry about my life , whether I will live further on .  

Paul came up to me , " So , Percy . How is the trip so far ? "

" It's alright I guess , I am in the Ocean but I can't exactly do what I want to . I feel bored . Everyone is having fun and I just feel bored . "

Paul was thinking and suddenly asked me ," So , I heard that you know the coordinates of the ocean , right ? "

" Yes Paul , I know it ," I know but I was confused why he was suddenly asking me about this . 

" So where are we ? ", he asked .

I blurted the coordinates and I shook my head . I saw Paul gaping at me in surprise . 

" That's such an useful ability , " He said in admiration .

I shrugged , " I can't use it much anyway . If I do get lost . I can just use the oceans to swim back to the shore . "

Someone called him so he had to go . It was soon time for breakfast .

" We were going to have a marine special but the fish got lost somehow . We are sorry , " The Chef .

I trying to suppress my grin and Paul looked at me with his eyebrow raised . Thank the Gods I saved those fishes , otherwise I have to hear them being murdered . It would not be a pleasant experience . 

After I ate breakfast , I went to the deck . I saw some dolphins approaching us . My mortal classmates started to get scared as they thought it was a shark . I was laughing internally . The dolphins leaped really high and one almost landed on the deck . I forced the water to move the ship , to ensure the dolphins safety . I almost knocked everyone on board . But at least the dolphins were safe . I couldn't let them get hurt in my presence .

The passengers were discussing , " How did the boat move ? "

Even the captain was confused . One old man said , " It must be the will of Lord Poseidon !"

For a second I thought he was a demigod . But it didn't seem so . I think I heard about people in Greece actually worshiping the gods . That would make them happy .

I must be careful around him and not to anything rash to uncover my identity .  People on the board actually agreed with him . 

So , Maybe we were on-board were actually still worshiping the Greek Gods . I thought it was my imagination but they did sacrifice some food before they got on board . Well , I have to be extra careful now . 

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