chapter ²

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When you got near your home, you didn't initially find the source of where the sounds came from so you had just given up thinking they would go away.

Big mistake.

You couldn't sleep at all that night. Your head was, as always, filled with a bunch of thoughts but you'd usually be able to sleep past them.

But those sounds just kept being more and more overwhelming. But you did end up sleeping in the end. And they did stop until later in the afternoon when you could hear them again.

So you changed and went downstairs to finally check what it was.

When you turned around the complex you saw a familiar blond hairdo. Who also was well known for always sporting an imposing coat.

"What the- ? Laxus ?"

"Oh. Hey Y/N." He said without looking back.

"So, you were the one making all that noise ?"

"Yeah. Sorry about that."

"It's fine, don't worry about me." You reassured him, a smile on your face.

"I've been hunting down this beast for the past 2 days. Wanna join in ?" He looked back at you, smiling.

"Sure, why not ? Rare for you to ask for help.." You replied giggling.

"It shape shifts so it's a little hard for me to catch it. But now that you're here, it might make things easier."

"Alright, what do you need me to do ?"

He rambled around looking for something. "Um... I just need you to- "

Before he could finish his sentence, the creature had just roared.

It's shape at the moment was an animal. A vulture to be more exact.

"Try to distract it !"

"I'll give it a go !"

You looked back at him before proceeding to use your magic.

Your magic was... interesting as Master would say. You had the power of creating illusions.

It was usually more useful towards humans than other beings since it sometimes involved looking into the brain in mind of finding something that would make them reflect.

It was pretty powerful but it did have its downside.

You couldn't fight at all while you used it. So it was usually better as a complementary type of magic. Meaning you always used it with other people fighting alongside yourself to not die.

You didn't really know too much about vultures. But you did know that they always followed other birds in a kettle. You really just had to make a group of vultures then.

You squinted your eyes and made them appear as naturally as you could.

While the vulture was occupied by the flock of birds you had created, you tapped Laxus's shoulder.

And you watched him attack it. Forcefully. But it was still really cool to see him fight.

"He really is amazing..."

You really looked up to him.

When he had finished he walked towards you and sighed.

"As always, you still have it in you, huh ?" He noted smirking at you. "And here I thought you weren't fighting at all anymore. Thanks for the helping hand."

You glared at him a bit before your expression loosened a bit, a smile popping in your face. "What are you doing here Laxus ?"

He smiled. "Can't I see my favorite mage ? I heard old man Gildarts came back. Just wanted to check how you were doing."

You weren't lying if you said that you weren't glad he came to see you. He really was sweet underneath that tough exterior. "I'm doing okay, thanks. I'm just happy he's in better shape than last time honestly."

Laxus sighed.

"Good. I don't want you feeling shitty alright ?" He walked towards the streets' sidewalk. "Have you eaten yet ? I'll treat you if you want."

"Yeah, I'm starving. You sure you'll pay ?" You asked curiously.

"Yeah. I mean I did bring a monster close to your apartment."

" Let's eat a lot then, 'kay ?" You started walking on the sidewalk, while he walked behind.

"Because I'm paying ?"

"Of course it's because you're paying ! I'm for sure going to be emptying your wallet by the way." You said jokingly.

Laxus looked at you confused. He sincerely hoped you were joking.

"Wait ! Can't we talk about this first ?"


"Why don't you treat me for food ? Am I not important to you ?" an lively voice called out.

"Natsu, don't do this to me. I can't afford to take you out on a date right now." Gildarts pleaded to the fire mage while scratching his head.

Natsu pouted and played with his scarf. "Why the hell are we following her anyway ?"


Natsu widened his eyes for a brief moment but them kept talking.

"What do you mean by 'reasons' ?"

"I'm just making sure she's doing alright, that's all." Gildarts looked down, and held an expression that was hard to decipher.

"Right. Anyway, I'm glad we got to watch this. Seeing Y/N's combination fights is always one the highlights of my day, that's for sure !" Natsu stood up from his previous position.

"I can't wait to fight alongside her next time."

"She's good that's for sure." Gildarts remarked, starting to walk away.

"Rare for you to praise someone." Natsu followed him grinning to himself.

"Don't tell her I said that. She'll get ideas again." He stopped talking, rubbing his temples.

"Let's go okay ? We're losing them."


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