Chapter 27: Hugs

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It had been nearly a week since James had asked me out. This was crazy. Yet he hadn't hugged me or kissed me yet! I love his shyness but he was starting to annoy me. I told him I wasn't going to initiate anything anymore but my patience was starting to wear thin. 

But I had other problems to worry about.

Poor Will, my Will was deep in the problems known as life. He was having issues with his dad, issues with his crush, and issues with his anger. It took me some time to persuade him to tell me anything. He wasn't used to telling people about his issues. But Will spilled his guts eventually. I'm known to be very persistent, especially when my friends have issues. 

The poor kid liked this girl named Samantha, but he didn't know how to tell her he liked her. Because she liked some other guy. He didn't want what happened with Lara to happen again. 

I told him one day at lunch, "Don't think that what happened in the past will happen again."

"The past always affects the present, "Will said.

"Not always. If that was true, I'd be alone and shunned by the world. But I'm not alone." 

Will and I were alone at the moment. James was probably hiding in a corner, eating. I don't understand why but he doesn't like eating in front of people. But as his girlfriend, because I can say that now, I won't judge him.

Will continued, "And my parents, James' parents, and James knows. I'm not supposed to know."

"Oh damn."

"and my dad and I aren't in a good place so I can't exactly tell him."

"If this shit continues with your dad, I will call child services. No father is allowed to beat his son."

"I appreciate it but its fine. And those aren't the only problems."

"What else is there?"

"it's weird."

"I don't judge, I never have."

"How many different personalities do you have?"

"So many that sometimes I'm not sure who I am."

"Well, I always feel like helping people. I look for the good, because if I don't then I'll only see how most people are shit."

"It's true but thats just how the world works."

"I have no hope. I'm in hell."

"as long as you have me, you won't ever be without hope. You won't be in hell. because you aren't alone."

"Thanks. But you might be leaving."

"My mom wants me to, but I won't. Don't worry."

"If both you and James leave I have no one."

"I will not leave you, William. Chill."

We went to geometry. Will and I were talking about how James was kind of new to the whole girlfriend thing. 

"He doesn't have as much experience as I do."

"I know, Will. But I get tired of teaching him everything."

"I know, and this is gonna sound weird but like after all the shit happened, I need a hug."

"I gotcha."

"But I can't hug you before James does. Thats sad and weird."

"Boy, you know I don't care. "

"I know, you're different from most people."


Later that day, James and I decided to walk around the school. because during one of our classes we both end up leaving class. I have health while he has research on alternating days. But both are basically free periods. 

James said to me, "Will told me he won't hug you until I do."

"It really doesn't matter.  It's just sad."

"Oh god, fine."

He gave me a quick hug. It was cute, but it wasn't worth much. I couldn't help but smile. Only my James could do something like that and get away with it.

"Now, you have to hug me when you see me."

"Sure, James."

I knew that'd probably not happen. He was way too shy. But it was one of the reasons I liked him in the first place. 

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