Chapter 26: The Feast

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So today was the multicultural feast. It meant two hours with my boyfriend. It meant we could actually talk rather than text. We could act like a real couple. 

Global rolled around. Lara and I were friends again. But something had to ruin that. She took my phone. But James told me I should get it back because all of our messages from today were on it. Even the one about how he used to like her. I realized and told Sarah who was going to help me.

After the bell rang, we ran up to her and I said, "Give me my phone, Lara."

Apparently, our teacher heard and decided to interfere. Lara was pissed off at me. I tried to tell our teacher it was not a problem. But Lara was still mad at me.

I could never win. James and Will waited for me as I packed up. Sarah and Mina went ahead. I tole them what happened. They knew better than anyone how bad this situation could become They had witnessed the first situation firsthand. It was interesting how I always ended up with them rather than my female friends. I guess they just related to me better. I think it's one of the reasons why I had wanted to be friends in the first place. Their lives were similar to mine, even if they didn't share my religion and customs. The values were the same.

James and I stayed together throughout the feast. We sat and talked. I ended up creating a snapchat for him because he didn't want to do it himself. He claimed if he got in trouble he could say a friend made it for him. We really bonded that day.

I highjacked his phone (again) and changed his home screen to a picture of me. He shrugged and said, "Ok."

He took my phone and asked me, "Wait this was your mom's phone?"

"Yea. She doesn't really have one anymore. She didn't trust me enough to get me my own real phone."

"Damn that sucks."

"That's my life."

Sarah was sitting with us and she said, "SO what are y'all doing this weekend?"

"I'm going to temple."


I looked at James. Will and his soon-to-be gf. I smiled. Will liked this girl who goes to MMA with them. And he wanted to make a move. But he was nervous that the same thing would happen as what happened with Lara. I tried to comfort him, but he still didn't listen.

James sighed. "You still have to help me with him."

"I know, but he doesn't exactly like sharing. and every time I get close enough to talk to him, everything gets screwed up.. Or YOU interrupt."

"Well, sorry."

"Shit. Sarah." I had just seen someone I'd rather avoid.

"What happened?"

"13 at two o'clock"



I turned and faced completely away from the boy who could get me into major trouble with my parents if he so decided. He had seen me and James.

James asked me, "What the hell?"

"There's this guy who goes to my temple whose here. If he wants to, he could go tell my mom I have a boyfriend."

"Will he?"

"I don't know him that well."

Suddenly my phone buzzed. Mom was outside. UGH! I told James I had to leave. I think he wanted to say or do something, but I didn't give him the chance. 

Once I was in the car I texted him.

M- I didn't even get to say goodbye

J- ik no hug or anything :(

M- sorry I had to leave

J- ur lucky I like u a lot

M- ikr

J- but I'm leaving anyways

M- do not remind me or imma break down

J- oh damn

I texted him for hours but I couldn't remember what I had talked about. All I know is that my bond to him was only becoming stronger. We weren't just two people who liked each other. We understood each other. We knew our limits, which were practically none. We didn't need to pretend, didn't need to hide or lie. It was free. We were free to be who we wanted. 

I'm glad he was my first. (relationship for u dirty minded people.)

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