Chapter 22: James

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Some time passed. I grew closer to Will, who had become my best friend. He knew most of my problems firsthand, always around when I needed a friend. 

But James was only growing more distant. I wanted to be with him. I wanted a boyfriend. I wanted to see him smile at me not because of some stupid joke, but because he liked me

One day someone told me how they thought James didn't like me anymore. They had spoken to Will, who'd told them that. I was so shocked and hurt that I didn't talk to James for two days. 

But then I decided to ask Nate, who was one of James's closest friends, I didn't have the guts to ask Will just yet. 

Nate told me to ask James. He said that was the only way our relationship progress. He was right, but I was sure as hell not going to make a move. James should do it.

I got fed up with waiting. 

M- is it true u don't like me anymore

J- did someone tell u that?

M- is it true or not

J- no

M- wait so u still like me?

J- ofc

M- ohhhhh ok

J- do u still like me

M- ofc I do.

J- u don't like green anymore ?

M- hell no Have u not heard me these past two months? I been complaining

J- about?

M- nvm

J- whattt just say it

M- ugh fine. I kept complaining bout how I wanted u to be my bf. Happy?

J- yeaaa lmfao

M- ???

J- I'm happy u told me

I slammed my hand on the desk. Shane said, "Are you ok? Did some guy reject u or something?"

"Shut up."

"Can I just get my pen back?"

"Just up Shane, hell no. U threw it. This is your punishment."


"No. ur mean"

"I'm kind, and caring but only to people I care about. You're just not one of them."

I froze. Prem had told me something similar. I gripped my phone, focusing on James in that moment. Shane didn't know how hard his words had hit me. No one knew just how important Prem had been to me, my light in the dark, when no one else could save me. Everyone who knew a fraction of what we had would say to stay away from him. But I couldn't. I was too dependent on him. 

I shook myself out of those thoughts as the bell rang.

Somehow I'd managed to convince James to spend lunch with me and the girls. He hardly mentioned our messages, only acting like we were finally friends again, rather than the relationship we had. 

Why couldn't he take a hint? Why didn't he want to be my boyfriend if he liked me? What was so wrong with me?

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