One shot(3): I didn't know

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(Prompt: The reader has been ignoring Hermione and Hermione isn't taking it lightly.)

Hermione's POV:

There she is. A certain Ravenclaw(sorry if it's not your house) that always ticks me off.  Y/N Y/L/N. I've hated her since first year. It's the fifth year and nothing has changed.


Year 1

I was walking past people to get to my first class. I did NOT want to be late on my first day, but I wasn't. In fact, I was early. Too early. I decided to go around the school and just take a walk until it was time to get to class. While I was walking, I see a cute girl just sitting down on a bench while reading my favorite book, Hogwarts: A History. I walk up behind the girl.

"I like the book you're reading." I said, but the girl didn't even glance my way. I frowned at that.

"Just saying, that's my favorite book. I'm Hermione Granger." I said, sticking my hand out for her to shake, only for her to ignore it. She acted like I wasn't even there. I noticed the crest on her robe and I audibly scoff. Ravenclaw, yeah right. More like Slytherin.

"You don't have to be so rude, you know." I said and turned around to go look for Harry and Ron.

Year 2

I have a couple of classes with her. The professors NEVER asks her any questions. She's supposed to be smart. She still hasn't talked to me. She doesn't talk to ANYONE, actually. The only reason I know her name is because of the roll call. She doesn't answer, it's like they just KNOW that she's there. The only classes I have with her is Transfiguration and Potions. It seems like she's not even paying attention, yet somehow, she manages to get the most house points. I turn in everything on time, I do extracurricular activities for more points, but she still has a higher score than me. It's not fair.

"Hey 'Mione. If you keep glaring at her, you'll burn a hole through her head." Ron said and both Harry and him started snickering.

"Oh shut it, would you!" I said while smacking Ron upside the head.

Year 3

Nothing has changed. She still doesn't talk to anyone. I've tried to ignore her, but she's doing a better job at that than me. She makes me hate her as much as I hate Draco. Don't even get me started on that. She also tried out for the Quidditch team and made it as their seeker. Ever since then, it's harder to win games against them. That also meant more points for her. Last year, her house got extra points because she had the most points! How outrageous!

"Why don't you just talk to her?" Harry asks.

"Everyone has tried. No one succeeded." I simply said and walked out to the library.

Year 4

Seriously, what is wrong with this girl?! She never talks! Never! She won't even look anyone in their eyes! Well...with the exception of teachers. She's even friends with Professor Snape. Snape! Who the heck would want to be friends with him? I didn't even know he had friends.

"Seriously! Just talk to her! This has gone on for way too long! Just go already!" Neville said, clearly annoyed since we were supposed to be studying.

"Let's just get this over with." I said and I clearly see him roll his eyes but I decided to ignore it.

Present Time

I thought about it and my friends were right. This has gone on for too long. I walk up behind her. She was at the bench reading a different book than she was reading yesterday.

"Okay, seriously, what is up with you?" Nothing. "Hello?!" Silence. "You know what? Fine! I don't even know why I bother." I said stomping my way out. I could see her head snap up from the corner of my eye but I ignore it.

Later that day...

I wake up to a loud screeching sound echoing in my room. Violet, my roommate, has been tossing and turning.

"Hermione! Keep it down would you?!" She said and turned away from me. I grab my wand and hopped out of bed.

"Lumos." I whispered and the end of my wand lights up, illuminating the room. The screeching starts again. I look towards the direction where the noise is coming from and I see a black owl. Wait a minute. I know that owl. That's Y/N's owl! I walk towards it and grab the envelope from its talons. It flew away right after. I look at the envelope and see my name on it. I hastily open it and I took out the letter. A familiar scent immediately hits my senses. Lavender. The scent I smell whenever Y/N walks by. I open the letter and started reading it silently.

Dear Hermione,

          I saw you in the courtyard today. You seemed very angry. I didn't know why. I've always wanted to get to know you. Ever since I saw you in Diagon Alley checking out Hogwarts: A History, which is my favorite book by the way. The way your face lit up while you were reading it was an image I never wanted to forget. That's when I thought, "I have to get her to be my friend." Merlin, that sounds creepy. Sorry. I wanted to be your friend from the very beginning but it always seemed as if you were avoiding me. When I saw you get angry earlier, I immediately knew that it was because of me. I just wanted to say sorry for whatever it is I did. I just wish I could tell you in person, but I can't. You see, I was born without one of my senses. I couldn't hear anything and that made it difficult for me to speak. Now that I think about it, you probably thought I was ignoring you. Again, I am very sorry.

                                        Y/N Y/L/N

"Holy Merlin!" I yelled, immediately covering my mouth. She was deaf the whole time. She wasn't ignoring me, she just couldn't hear me.

Later that day(morning)...

I sit down in my seat for Divination's class right after I put the note on the desk that Y/N would usually sit at, hoping that she would still sit there. A few minutes later, people started piling in and, as planned, Y/N sat down in her seat and read my note. She looked my way and smiled.

After class, I waited for her to get out. Once she did, she handed me a note and kissed my cheek before walking away to her next class. Blushing, I opened the note.

It's okay, I figured you didn't know. No one did. And yes, I would love to go out with you.❤

I couldn't contain the smile that spread across my face. I ran towards my next class, not before telling Ginny what happened though.

Hermione/you (Fem!Reader)حيث تعيش القصص. اكتشف الآن