Imagine(2): Three Broomsticks

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(Prompt: Hermione takes the night shift at the Three Broomsticks. Reader is out for a late night drink.)

P.S. I know there are rules on Hogwarts so this would be post graduation.


There. Finished. I thought to myself as I finished the article I made for the Daily Prophet. Merlin, my brain hurts! I rubbed my temple, fearing the incoming headache. I need to get out. Fresh air might do me good. I thought as I put on my coat and grabbing my keys. I step out into the cold, crisp, night air and immediately start to shiver. It was late October, so it was freezing cold. I walk away from the Daily Prophet and start heading for home, but I stopped in my tracks when I see a beautiful maiden through the window of the Three Broomsticks. She was breathtaking. Heck, I could go for a drink. I thought to myself as I walk in, the little bell on top of the door ringing in the process, signalling the workers that there's a new customer. I looked around and noticed that the place was pretty empty. It was just me, the workers, and a creepy guy in the corner. I pull out a seat and sit down, thinking of what to say to the girl I saw.

"Hey Mione! Can you get that one?!" I hear someone yell.

"Sure thing." I hear another one yell. There was something different about that voice though. I look up to try and see who's the owner of the voice, only to be met with the face of the beautiful girl I saw earlier.

"Kinda late for a drink, isn't it?" She asks me. Idiot! Say something!

"Uhm...y-yeah. I was just...w-working late." I say, stuttering and stumbling over my own words. Nice one. A journalist and you can't even think of words to say.

"Well, what can I get you?" She asks me.

"Anything warm would suffice." I tell her. She gives me a gentle smile back.

"I'll get you some tea." She says. "Yeah, that would be great." She leaves, only to return a little while later with my drink.

"Thank you, please, sit down." I offer her.

"No it's fine, I still gotta work." She says. As if by magic(😏), the owner just appeared behind her.

"Nonsense. There's no one here. Go ahead and take a break." She says with a suspicious smile on her face. I noticed that the girl's cheeks immediately turned a rosy pink. She only nodded and sat down across from me.

"Don't be shy. I'm Y/N by the way. Y/N Y/L/N." I tell her and held out my hand.

"Hermione Granger." She said as she finally took my hand and shook it.

"The perfect name for a beautiful young lady." I say and a blush crept to her face once more.

The whole night was filled with flirty comments, laughter, and just talking about literally anything. This was, no doubt, the best night of my life.

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