Gif Imagine(1): Light Reading

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(Prompt: Hermione tries to get the reader to study for O.W.L.s)

Y/N's POV:

Merlin, kill me now! I thought to myself as Hermione tries to quiz me on Transfiguration. I hate studying for tests. I like learning, but studying for tests means that I have to re-learn all of this all over again. It makes me feel stupid.

"Ugh! Can't we do something more fun? Like, we could relive my parents' divorce." I groan out loud, causing the librarian to shush us. Seriously, saying "shh" to tell someone to be quiet is such a hypocritical move. Hermione just ignores my complaints.

"Now, let's go back to square one. What are the sub-branches of transfiguration?" She asks me while flipping through her huge book.

"I don't know! Oh! Wait! Maybe we could go hang out with Draco!" I yell with fake enthusiasm. Hermione didn't take the joke very well. She stopped flipping through her book just to glare at me. I audibly gulp. "Or not." I mutter loud enough for her to hear. "Uh... transfiguration has a branch called transformation which has two, I think, sub-branches. I think it was human transformation, wait, no, human transfiguration and, uhm... Switching! Yeah, that's what it was!" I said, a bit proud of myself for remembering that.

"Now, was that so hard?" She asked sarcastically.

"It was horrible." I said, causing her to lightly chuckle. We continued studying. I said it before, I'll say it again. Kill. Me. Now.

Hermione/you (Fem!Reader)Où les histoires vivent. Découvrez maintenant