One-Shot(1): Another Malfoy

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(Prompt: Y/N is Draco's sister and she hates it. She likes Hermione but Hermione hates her because she's a Malfoy.)

Y/N's POV:

Right when I got on the train, I separated from my brother. The last thing I want is to be hated on for being a Malfoy the second I step into the school. I sat in an empty booth, hoping for anyone besides my brother to walk in. My prayers had been heard when a girl, none older than I am, standing at the doorway of the compartment.

"Can I sit with you? All the other ones are full." She asks. I nodded and she took the seat in front of me.

"I'm Hermione Granger, and you are?" She asks me. Hermione. What a beautiful name.

"I'm Y/N." I say.

"What house do you hope you'll get sorted into? I'm hoping for either Ravenclaw or Gryffindor." She tells me. Should I tell her that I'd most likely get sorted into Slytherin? Everyone in my family has.

"Anything but Slytherin." I say with a light chuckle. I look up when I hear her giggling. It sounds so heavenly.

"We better switch to our robes. We'll be arriving shortly." She said and I nod. We took turns changing and we finished before the train arrived. We decided to walk around. We also met Harry Potter. The Harry Potter. We stepped out of the train and got on the same boat as Hermione. She insisted and I caved. Draco, my brother, introduced himself to Harry. I hid behind a couple of people. I don't need the recognition at the moment. We walk inside the great hall for sorting. Harry, Hermione, and Ron went to Gryffindor. Draco went to Slytherin, go figure. Finally, it was my turn. Oh merlin.

"Y/N Malfoy" Professor McGonagall bellowed for me to come forward. I look around and I see everyone with a shocked expression on their face. I take a deep breath and stepped forward. The sorting hat placed on my head.

"Another Malfoy. This is interesting. You have the bravery of a Gryffindor, the wit of a Ravenclaw, the caring personality of a Hufflepuff, but you also have the foulness of a Slytherin. You haven't made your decision yet, now have you? Well then, better be, Slytherin!!" The hat yells. Oh no. Merlin kill me.

I get up and I immediately see Hermione look at me with a new look in her eyes. Disgust. I look down and walked to the Slytherin table. The whole table cheered and my brother ruffled up my platinum blonde hair.

~Time Skip~

It's been three months. Three months since she last talked to me. I see her around all the time. We have classes together. Whenever we walk past each other on the hallways, she would either avert her gaze or glare me down. It hurts, a lot, but I should've seen this coming. No one likes a Malfoy and no one likes a Slytherin. Sadly, I'm both of those things.

I walk down the hallway when I hear a commotion coming from the courtyard. I walk towards it and took a moment to take in the scene that is currently happening. Draco and his friends are wearing their Quidditch uniforms, must've came from practice, and they're talking to Hermione, with Ron and Harry by her side. I walk towards them and I faintly hear my brother call her a 'mudblood'. I feel my blood boil and right when I was about to tell him off, Ron got out his wand and tried to hex him. And by that, I meant he hexed him but it backfired and hexed himself. He fell to the ground and a couple of seconds later, he started throwing up slugs. I couldn't look at it. I hate bugs and slugs and all disgusting creatures like that. When I looked back, Harry and Hermione already started dragging him towards Hagrid's place.

I can't just let that slide. I walk up to my brother and took out my wand. A few seconds later, he is being chased by a serpent that I conjured up. Everyone was laughing and I couldn't help but smile. My smile immediately dropped when I hear a voice behind me.

"Ms. Malfoy" I turned around and saw Professor McGonagall right in front of me. She made my serpent evaporate into thin air and told me to follow her. She gives me a lecture on attitude and consequences. Long story short, I have detention for two weeks. Apparently, the snake could've attacked anyone near it.

~Time Skip~

I went to Hagrid's place for my second day of detention. I've been assigned to help him with the magical creatures. So was Draco. Hagrid's been crying a lot because they took away Norbert, his baby dragon. I just sat there for a couple of minutes until the door opens revealing Hagrid with Harry, Hermione and Ron. They look at me, clearly surprised. Hagrid left to go find my brother.

"What are you doing here?" Ron asks.

"Detention. For the next two weeks, to be precise." I tell them nonchalantly.

"Typical Slytherin. What did you do this time?" Ron asks, but I don't think he actually cares.

"I hexed my brother." I said and shrugged.

"Why?" Harry asks.

"Because he called Hermione a mudblood." I said, looking down.

"Why in the world would you do that?!" Hermione asks, raising her voice in disbelief.

"And here I was thinking that you're smart. I thought that you like to pay attention to detail. But you just can't seem to notice that I fancy you! You got hurt when they called you a mudblood because they were judging who you are by your family, but you can't seem that you're doing the exact same thing!" I yell, getting up in the middle of that speech. I let out a frustrated sigh and run my hand through my blond hair. "You all were! You judged me by my family and by my house. You went from being friends with me one second to hating me the next! I just....I just wanted someone to be my friend. When you came into the compartment on the train, I know I wanted to be your friend. I just didn't expect that I wanted to be more. I just didn't think tha-" I was cut off by a pair of soft lips connecting with mine. It took me a second to realize that Hermione is kissing me. I kissed back but it was stopped short when we heard the door opened revealing Draco.

"You're snogging the mudblood now?! Our father will hear about this!" Draco yelled at me. I got up and grabbed the collar of his shirt to pull his face closer to mine considering that I'm taller than him.

"First of all, I don't care what father says. He never cared about me so why start now? And second, call her a mudblood one more time and you'd get way worse than a snake. Got it?" I growled into his face. His head nodded frantically. I keep on glaring him down until Hagrid pulls me off of him.

"Let's go get started kids." Hagrid says. I feel a hand intertwine with mine making me tense up, but I immediately relaxed when I saw that it was Hermione's.

Hermione/you (Fem!Reader)Tahanan ng mga kuwento. Tumuklas ngayon