Chapter 2

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Song of the Day: The Voice Within by Christina Aguilera


Lacey's dress above/to the side! I absolutely love it!


"Lacey, get up this instant!" My mother screamed in my ear. I heard her walk over to my windows and she flew open the curtains, letting the blinding and horrific light shadow into my room.

I groaned, pulling my covers over my head to refrain the light from meeting my tired body. I felt a slight tug of my blankets and knew it was my mother.

"Lacey, get up right now. Your fathers company party is today and you need to get up and start getting ready!" My mother successfully pulled my blankets off me. I was now stuck with putting my pillow over my head.

"What time is it?" I muffled. I heard my mother sigh.

"It's time for you to get up. I'm going to go start a bath for you, you better be out of bed when I get back." She warned. My mother disappeared into my large bathroom and I heard her start the water.

I knew it was better to follow my mothers orders, so rubbing my eyes I sat up and swung my feet over my bed, letting them meet the soft white carpet of my bedroom. Grabbing my phone, I checked the time.

It was 8:53 a.m.

I groaned once more as my mother came strolling in. She was dressed in her usual attire, blouse with a black work skirt. Her shoes were low black heels and her hair was up into a tight bun. Not much difference there.

"You're bath is ready. Go and wash up, get proper clothes on and meet me downstairs." And with that, my mother walked out of my room.

Sighing, I dragged myself to my bathroom. Opening up one of my drawers, I pulled out a bath bomb. I dropped it into my warm bath with a 'plop' and watched it fizz and changed my bath water into a light pink shade, making it smell like vanilla and flowers.

I removed my white t-shirt and shorts and underwear and stepped into the bath. Lowering myself into the warmth of the water, and quickly escaped into another life I wish I had.


"Finally! Goodness, you just took your sweet time didn't you?" I gave my mother a tight smile as I sat down at the dining table, across from her.

Our maids quickly rushed in with our breakfast. One maid, Helen, rushed to my mothers side and filled her glass with orange juice and her mug with coffee. Then retrieved my mothers daily breakfast, granola yogurt with blueberries and strawberries on the side. Another maid came and filled my glass with orange juice and another glass with chocolate milk. She left as I awaited my daily breakfast, chocolate chip pancakes. But once the maid came back, it was not my daily breakfast she was carrying.

"Um, excuse me Jodie, but what is this?" I asked her as politely as I could.

"It is oatmeal with blueberries, Ms. Evans." She smiled.

"I had the chef change your breakfast meal. Lacey honey, you can't eat chocolate chip pancakes forever." My mother shaked her head.

I blinked at her with disbelief. Okay, first she made me invite Luke to be my date (which I still need to do) and now she was controlling my food regimen?

"But I want to eat them now." I demanded. Chocolate chip pancakes were my favorite food and I wasn't going to let anybody, not even my mother, refuse to let me eat them.

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