Chapter 3 Bakery

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After taking the sandwich home mom wanted me to go pick up some bread, and desserts. So here I am walking the same route once again, but this time I don't mind.

The door to the bakery hits a chime I guess to signal the owner, that they have a customer. I look through the glass to see a bunch of desserts and carbs, bread lined up around behind the counter.

I think I have stood here for five minutes or so and no one has come yet.

"Hello?" I say loudly.

"I'm sorry dear I was baking." An elderly lady walks out from the back with flour on her apron.

"I'm Barbara." She smiles and I return it.

"I will send out someone to help you, sorry." She smiles sweetly.

I turn around looking at the black and white pictures that cover the walls. Young women holding bread are seen in the photos smiling brightly. I smile admiring these.

"Excuse me?" Is heard behind me. I turn around to see a boy about my age with curly hair, behind the counter.

"Oh, hey." I say casually.

"I'll get that cake, two loaves of that bread, six biscuits, a pound of long pasta, and twelve pieces of chocolate." I say looking around.

He doesn't even write it down but instead starts working on my order. His brown curls covered with flour, they bounce as he reaches for the bread on the top shelf, he is pretty tall.

"So you're American?" He asks scooping up the chocolate.

"Yeah, and you're British." I say making him chuckle.

"Great observation, love." He laughs. Why did i just get chills?

"So you just moved her, yeah? He asks.

" Yeah today actually. " I shrug.

"Are you the only young person besides me in this part of town?" I ask making him laugh.

"Yep, pretty much. I work with a bunch of old ladies, sweet ones though." He tells me.

"What school are you gonna go to?" He asks me.

"Not sure my mom decided that choice I guess. What school do you go to?" I ask him.

"Holmeschapel Comprehensive School." He smiles. "It's a good school, but it's lame." He shrugs.

"School is school." I tell him and he nods. "So what's your name curly?" I laugh.

"Harry-Harry Styles." He says wrapping bread into a cloth. "What about you, love?"

"Alicia-Alicia Cruz." I say. He stretches his arm for me to shake his hand, which I gladly take.

"Well Alicia here is your order, made especially by me, Harry Styles." He says and I roll my eyes.

"I'm so lucky." I roll my eyes making him smirk. "Thanks, see ya around Harry." I say walking to the door.

"See you Alicia." Harry says waving to me opening the door for me.





"Here mom." I say dropping the bags on the kitchen table.

"Thanks sweetheart." Mom says.

"Where am I going to school?" I ask.

"Since when do you care about school." She chuckles. "But I was thinking Holmeschapel Comprehensive School." I loose my breath.


"Yeah, I was talking to our neighbor down the street and her kids went there. I think they graduated though? We got invited there for dinner the night of your first day of school." She says.

"Great! I need a uniform, shoes-"

"Honey, she gave me her daughters old uniform." She says. "It's on your bed." Right as she says that I run up the steps to my new room.

The uniform fits perfectly, the skirt is really short, and the shoes have a nice heel to them, the button up shirt has a nice fit.

"Does it fit? My mom shouts from downstairs.

"Perfectly!" I shout back.

"Eww, I don't like uniforms." Rose says shaking her head walking into my room.

"I didn't like the old one, but this one is okay." I shrug.

"Weirdo. I get to wear normal clothes." She teases sticking her tongue out at me.

"Rose snack time!" My mom shouts making Rose run to her snack.

I take the uniform off hanging it up in my new closet. I can't wait for school, for the first time ever.







Twitter: @/ letmalikstyles1


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