Chapter 2 England

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"I hate this." Is the first thing i said when we got on the plane, and is the last thing I said after stepping off a ten hour flight.

"We know." My mom and sister said in unison.

"Hold Rose's hand while I get our bags." My mom tells me, I roll my eyes as she walks away.

"Where are we Ali?" Rose asks tugging on my hand.

"London." I say looking out the giant airport windows.

"Why do you hate this?" Rose asks.

"Because Cali will always be home." Is all I say before my mom walks over.

She hugs me from the side, kissing my head. "I know but this will be a good experience for us!" She squeals.

"Yay." I say with sarcasm dragging Rose by the hand.




"So all of our belongings were shipped here yesterday." Mom says while we sit in a cab.

I knew that people here drove on the other side of the street, but it looks so weird. I lean my head on the cool window, watching British people walk on the streets.

In a minute we turn onto a road that is covered with trees and houses that look like cottages. Elderly folk walk on the sidewalks, no child mine or Rose's age in sight.

"There it is, our new home!" Mom squeals as we make a right turn.

I look out the window to see a medium sized house surrounded by plants, it is very pretty.

"Let's go!" Mom says taking Rose out the car, me following far behind.

It's not even fall and it's sort of cold here, I cross my arms to stay somewhat warm. As I walk up the stone walk way the world freezes around me, but I ignore the tears that threaten to fall.

"Alicia!" My mom shouts.

"I'm coming!" I shout back.

The inside of the house is fine but I decide against having a tour of it, and run up the steps to pick a room.

Three rooms cover the top second floor, the biggest one is the one at the end of the hall. The room has two steps that lead to a small top space, the room is very spacious. I drop my bags on the floor, and walk over to the window.

"I knew you would pick this one." My mom says and when i turn around she is smiling with her arms crossed.

"Yeah..." Is all I say.

"Sweetheart... I'm sorry but this is the choice that i had to make." She tells me and I sigh.

"Yeah I know, mom. I'm sorry." I shrug as she hugs me.

"Here why don't you go to the strip mall just a block down? You can pick out a paint color, and everything you want." She smiles handing me weird looking money. "It's English money ask for help if you need it."

I nod grabbing my phone, cardigan, and side purse.





The walk to the strip mall is refreshing the cool air, and the sun mixing together.

I picked out a turquoise paint for my room, bed sheets, pillows, a duvet, and a few decorations. I had no idea how to pay until I asked the man behind the counter.

The stores are so small and warm welcoming. The owners and everyone that was shopping seemed to know each other, which made me feel out of place. They asked who I was and i told them that my family and I had just moved here from America.

No one my age had been outside, I figured that maybe I don't live in the youth part of town, but instead the elderly part.

I hadn't seen where we were or cared for that matter, but when i asked the store owner he told me "Holmeschapel Cheshire, England." It had a nice ring to it "Holmeschapel" i kept repeating it in my mind.

I walked next door to the next store. This store was a nice little café, sort of place.

"How may I help you, love?" A middle aged man asks me.

I quickly look at the menu suddenly feeling hungry.

"Hmm...a ham and cheese sandwich please. With lettuce, tomato, and mayonnaise please." I tell him and he nods.

I take a seat playing a game on my phone until he tells me that my food is ready. I decide to take it home so I ask him to cut it in three pieces, it is a big sandwich. I take a quick bite.

"This is heavenly bread." I say. "Did you make it?" I ask handing him the money.

"No next door did, you might want to take a look in there." He suggests. "It's a bakery it sells bread, cakes, and biscuits. Every carbohydrate." He chuckles.

"I will. Thank you have a nice day." I say waving walking out the door.

I have surprisingly gotten into a good mood for the first time in a while. England has this sort of charm, I'm liking it here.








Twitter: @/ letmalikstyles1


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