Chapter 9

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Chapter 9

I took a deep breath. All I had to do was have a decent fight with Denki. But oh boy Endeavor just had to fuck that up. My mind was racing and I wasn't sure why. I'm not sure of a lot of things at this point. Is Shoto okay? What is Endeavor even planning? I let out a shaky breath. I didn't need to think about that now.
Present Mic announced my name and I walked on to the arena. I smiled when I heard my friends cheer for me. At least I got them. I could feel Shoto's intense stare at me. Jesus Christ what the heck.

"Hey pretty~ after this I could totally take you out on a date! And don't worry I'll make sure to go easy on you too," Denki winked, his awful flirting bringing an amused smirk to my face.

"How sweet! I'll make sure to beat you to a pulp!" I smiled.
"Well fuck-"

The fight then began. Once he charged up his electricity I doused him with water. And now he was groaning on the floor. "Thanks for going easy on me!"

"God whY-"


I walked back to the seating area. And there he is. My eyes staring into his multi-colored ones. at this point, I don't know what to feel. I can read his blank expression.


"Okay before you talk. I don't know what I did but I'm sorry. And honestly, I think it's my turn to ignore you. ...okay?" I blurt out cutting him off. He looked at me surprised. ...Did I seriously ask him to let me ignore him? Wow, y/n so badass. Shoto nodded and I quickly walked away. I blinked trying not to cry. Even though it's not that big of a deal for me to cry, I just felt like I needed too. But I didn't. I hesitantly took my seat next in between Momo and Katsuki.

"Hey, y/n are you okay?" Her eyes brows furred a look of concern on her face. "He...... he tried to talk to me," I looked down the words I said to him repeating in my head.

"You better have ignored him," Katsuki grunted. I nodded. "I did,"
"Oh," Momo took my hand. I'm sure you'll talk later. Now, let's enjoy the sports festival okay?" I smiled at my best friend. "Okay,"
I watched Shoto and Izuku fight. Shoto obviously not using his fire side. I look down at my lap. Who knew a couple weeks of ignoring me would fuck up my emotions. Damn feelings. I wish I could just yeet my feelings. Like, bai bitch I don't need you.

But I still have these feelings. I still have the scars from the past that I carry with me. Ew that was so cheesy.


Next up was me versus the boom boy him self. Of course I lost. Which I didn't mind. My mind isn't in the right place to fight successfully and honestly I just didn't care. I smiled and clapped at Katsuki for winning the tournament. Even though he was changed up and angry. His angry face softened when he saw me giggling at him. Its like he's my stupid big brother. Adorable.  Thankfully the festival was ending and i was heading home. Walking out the school doors alone as I usually do. I wish It was raining, It would have suit my feelings right now.

"y/n!" I turn around to see him.  

I don't know how to react. So I just continue walking, after sorting my thoughts during the day I came to a conclusion. I don't need to be all worked up over a guy. If. He wanted to kick me out of his life then thats fine. He made his choice.

"y/n, please just listen," I turn around upset. "So after weeks of ignoring me and leaving me confused and hurt you want me to listen!?" I cross my arms.
"I- I know I was an ass for doing that. I just wanted to explain...and thank you." His monotone voice changing so I could hear the emotion in it. I raised a brow at him.

"Thank me for what?" I question the grip on my bag tightening.

"I heard what you said to my father...I...I'm great full for what you said." He took a step coser to me.
"Oh so then you can apologize because I didn't agree with your daddy? Shoto of course I wouldn't agree with him." I glance to the floor. Dammit why do you make this so hard?

"But I don't want that to be an excuse for apologizing to me. Just because I was nice doesn't mean I forgive you. But go on and explain. Explain why after all that time of making me feel awful, why should I just instantly forgive you!? Hm?" I huffed.  Before I could react he grabbed my hand and smashed his soft lips onto mine. Without thinking I kissed back. These pent up feelings I've had for him finally being released by me kissing him. His arms around my wait and my hand on his cheek. It felt like fire works being set off. I could feel my heart beating rapidly. He let go and. Stared at my eyes.

"Thats why." I stared up to him. His words repeating in my mind. "Oh?"
"After what happened at USJ I got scared. I was scared of loosing you. I was constantly distracted by the thought of you so I thought it was best if I-"

"Oh That was a really stupid choice," I smile. He chuckles and I stare at him smile. "If you wanted to kiss me again you could've just asked," I laughed and rolled my eyes at him. I leaned in to kiss him again. He tasted like mint and strawberry.

"By the why, why did you get all 'dressed up'"

"...I may or may not have tried to impress you- sTOP LAUGHING AT ME"

Sorry this chapter was absolute garbage. I honestly didn't know what to write sksksksk. If any of yall want to take this chapter and improve it then honestly go for it. Just dm me or comment and give me ur email.

I wanted the confession to be better than this djfjqjvsjfhjdwkdskfjkhbj
Damn u writers block


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