Part 2

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"Right, I am off to work" I said while grabbing all of my things. I walked over to Elodie, who was eating her breakfast, and gave her a hug and a kiss. "Be a good girl for Daddy and Uncle Haz" I said. "Bye Mummy" She said. "Bye darling, have a good day" Tom smiled while kissing me. "Try to" I responded as I started walking out of the door.

Tom's POV:
"Now shall we take Tessa for a walk and go and see Nanny, Grandad, Uncle Sam, Uncle Harry and Uncle Pads?" I asked Elodie. She nodded her head and jumped up and down excitedly. "Go and put your shoes on then sweetie". It was a beautiful day outside and I wasn't going to waste it inside. Harrison put Tessa's lease on while I helped Elodie with her shoes. "Let's go!" Harrison said as we all walked out of the door.

"Look how fast I can run!" Elodie shouted as she ran after Tessa in Richmond Park. "Woah faster than me" Harrison shouted to her. "Haz, can I ask you something?" I asked him nervously. "Of course mate" he responded. "Um... I wanted to ask you because you are closest to y/n. Oh god this is really hard" I stuttered out. "Tom is everything okay?" Harrison stopped and asked. "Elodie stop sweetheart" I shouted to her. She immediately stopped as did Tessa. "Yeah, um... I was wondering if I could have your permission to ask y/n to marry me" I said looking at the floor. "Oh my god mate! Of course you have my permission!" Harrison said excitedly. "Thank you so much!" I replied excited myself. "When are you going to ask her?" He asked as we continued walking. "I was going to take her out for dinner tonight and ask her but I was wondering if you would look after Elodie?" "Of course I can! Elodie! How would you like to spend the night with your favourite Uncle?" Harrison said running to her. "Is Uncle Sam coming over?" She asked excitedly. I couldn't help but burst out laughing. "Come here you little monkey" Harrison gasped picking her up and tickling her. I put Tessa back on her lease and started jogging. "Race you two to Nanny's" I shouted and started sprinting.

"We beat you Daddy" Elodie said jumping up and down. "Indeed you did darling. Uncle Haz and you are very fast" I said pretending to pant. "Nanny! Nanny! Me and Uncle Haz beat Daddy here!" She shouts while running into the kitchen. "Bro, you're slacking with the fitness" Sam joked. "Oi" I laughed. "Says you!" Harrison said joining in laughing. "I get my exercise somewhere else" he winked at us. "Dude! We didn't need to know that!" I said making a face. "Didn't need to know what?" Elysia said walking in. "Nothing darling" Sam said kissing her cheek. "Auntie El" Elodie said running back into the living room. She couldn't pronounce Elysia so we shorted it to El. "Elodie!" She said picking her up. "How is my favourite niece?" She asked hugging her tightly. "Tired" she responded. "I should think you are with all that running you've been doing" I said running my hand through her ponytail. "And hungry" she added. "Well it's a good job I've got lunch then" Mum said walking out of the kitchen with some sandwiches. "Sit up everyone!" She said.

After lunch, Elodie fell asleep on Harry. She was super tired after all that running she did. Tessa was curled up next them and Elodie's hand was on her paw. Tessa has never left Elodie's side since she was born. It was so cute the bond that they had. "Well we better go as I'm taking y/n out for dinner" I said getting up and getting everything ready. "Where to?" Paddy asked while playing on his xbox. "The Italian in town" I answered while carefully picking Elodie up. "Have fun!" Dad said smiling. "Thank you!". "Are you all coming to Mum's tomorrow for dinner?" Harrison asked. "Yeah! Wouldn't miss it for the world!" Nikki replied. "Thank you for lunch! See you tomorrow. Love you! Come on Tess" I said walking out of the door.

Your POV:
It was about 2pm when I got home to an empty house. "Peace" I sighed. I decided to go for a shower and relax for a bit. It sounded like a good idea until the door opened and in came a very energetic Tessa. "Hey girl! Did you miss me?" I asked as she jumped up. Tom, Harrison and Elodie came in after. "Awh look at her" I cooed as I went over and stroked her ponytail. "She's done a lot of running today. Anyway how's your day been?" Tom asked me. "Alright actually. Busy but it was good!" I said kissing his cheek. "Go and have a relaxing bath because I am taking you out tonight" Tom said hugging me with his free arm. "But what about Elodie?" I asked. "She is going to have the best night with me!" Harrison piped up. "Are you sure?" I asked. "Of course! You two need a night out" he said hugging me. "Aww thank you" I said hugging him back. "Now go and relax my love" Tom said shooing me away. I smiled and walked to the bathroom.

Sequel: Two siblings, a boyfriend and a toddlerNơi câu chuyện tồn tại. Hãy khám phá bây giờ