The Gangleader and The Street Fighter. (10)

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Lexi's pov :

"The Wolves" I spoke very proudly of my gang

"Do you mean that gang that has powerful fighters as members" Tyler asked

"Yes. But we consider eachother family it's quite a small gang with five girls who are my best friends and six main guys the rest are well were widely spread around the world. Sadly because of how widely spread we were we didnt hqve enough protection for then so we lost a majority of our gang so it only the girls and the six main boys left." I put my head into the crook of Leo's neck and cried for a while

He rubbed my back hugging me.

" shshsh it's ok neonata. Can we help in anyway" I nodded and calmed down

"Many gangs want us because we are fighters with different skills but we don't trust easily. Since your in a gang and I trust you guys do you think your gang leader would accept us. All the other gangs are only accepting the girls and not guys, but we stick together cause we are family" I don't know why but I really liked him he said he loved me so I was willing to try

Leo's pov :

She was smiling hopefully at me. Usaly for people to join the gang they have to go through alot of training and questioning, but since it was my baby girl and her friends who are skillful  fighters I could make acceptions.

" Baby do you know who The Lions are?" She nodded her head

"Are you scared of them and what they do" I was prepared for her to nod her head

"No. I know what they do but they have their reasons. If you lend someone money and they don't give it back then you need to know why and show them not to mess with you again. They have a reputation to up hold. I respect them more than fear them they treat eachother like family" when she said that I fell in love with her even more

I looked up at the guys who had pride written on there faces.

"Would you like to join my gang along with your friends" She whipped her head facing mine

"Are you sure I mean if it's a hassle we can wait and. ...." I cut her off

"Of course after all your my neonata and ever gang leader needs a queen" She blushed when I said this and hid her face in my neck again to hide from the laughing guys

"If your a gang leader then what's yur gang name" I could feel her warm breath in my neck

"It's the Lions" her head shot up I was expecting fear but she looked at me in awe

"Seriously that's amazing. Wait does that mean that you own motorbikes of every kind " She was jumping around on my lap

"Yes. We do" the guys had answered for me

"Oh I didn't know you were still there" She laughed at the glares they gave her

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