[Chapter 10] Part 2

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~ Normal Pov ~

"Toga dear~?" "Yes Shigarki- sama~" "go and fetch Dabi and Wicca." She looked towards me through the screen, like she can see through the television, like I were some small prey before completely out of sight and possibly the room. I struggle with my bound hands, looking around the room to find some kind of imperfect damage or something that might've been left behind.. in the room so that it could help me escape this place. Being my "home" for as long as I have is an advantage, I knew this place like the back of my hand. If I could only get my hands free I could use my quirk, check my pockets.... Aha! I'll make the newest villains become closer to me.. that Himi girl seems nice and if I'm lucky she'll probably buy my trust and be on my side of this. But it could also mean that she could rat me out and not think twice about what could happen to me. I hope that's not the case. Going one-on-one with Handman is not the smartest move to do, so this would be my only option. But what if I'm to miss school? They would be missing me, they'll look for me, right?

The security door unlocks and Toga and a tall dark haired male, staples covering his face and down the neck come in with what looks like burnt skin? One... Two..? I thought she was bringing a second person along with her... Don't tell me its a cliche twist to some type of story. The tall male had a set of turquoise eyes, a torn up black jacket and a white tee underneath. The staples that were on his face can be seen continuing down his arms, stopping to where his fingers were. He looked down at me with no interest whatsoever and pouted his lip where you could see burn marks bristled all over. "So, this is the famous [F/n] we've been hearing about?" His voice was even full of nonchalant. "She told me it was [B/n], how could she lie to me.. I feel betrayed!!" she exaggerated. I felt the tension that built up in the room, it was so dense I could feel a bit of awkwardness. I gulp and look to the side, completely and utterly confused for what was to come. "She doesn't seem that interesting.." he boldly stated but Toga retorted, "How can you say that when Shigarki-Sama made her one of his top cards in this game of that master of his." Tomura did appoint you to be one of his top villains along with Kurogiri.


It had felt like forever and there being no windows but simply a broken clock on the wall to tell time, didn't help. Toga- or who you thought was Toga, unlocked the door, the hallway unusually dark I didn't see the figure who was hiding beyond the door. The figure- person had loud clanky footsteps, a black trench coat and hood that hid the back of the persons head. A black beaked like mask with gold tinted glass where the eyes would be and equipped with a gas mask. The person has the fatigue of a young female, but possibly older. But I couldn't stop staring, I inspected the females left arm. It seemed to be replaced with a metal one and her right arm was littered with scars. I couldn't believe it myself but I managed to peep out "W-who are you?" It struck her, it's like she waited for me to scream some answer that she longed to hear. But she didn't say a word, she began walking forward, towards me. It was almost like she was seeing how to approach me, what I could take or what my reaction would be. She hummed and circled around my chair, the blade in her calloused hand that I didn't noticed before trailed on the sides of my chair. Now that I think of it, her belt that was around her waist held small containers and a few tubes. Wicca meant witch... But she didn't resemble anything close to a witch, and I doubt she had powers.
"Hm~ I see your thinking pretty hard there, [F/n]." A familiar feminine voice sang. My head darted straight in her direction, eyes wide. She grinned, possibly happy that she got my full attention. "What are you thinking?" She looked me in the eyes, making me uncomfortable. I've never met a villain that was as daring as her until now. Or... Maybe it was just me not getting to know a lot of villains. Well, I had my own reasons. Shigiraki rarely took his favourite hand off or his hair was always in the way of his scarred littered face and Kurogiri was covered in his mist like 24/7.

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