Lost Time

490 21 19

Kokichi pov

I started heading back to the room with the coffee in my hands. I was walking slow so I didn't spill it. Since my hands were occupied with the two cups i kicked the door lightly so Kaito knows i was there. He then opened the door and i handed him his coffee. I walk in and sit down as i look over at Shuichi. Hes still out and still dead looking. I tried to ignore that fact so i looked over at Kaito. He was just sitting down sipping at his coffee.

"Kaito..." i said

"What is it Kokichi?" He responded

"Was i... able to save you?" I said

"What do you mean by saved me?" He asked

"With that medication i made... did it help you?" I said

"Yeah it did... I haven't coughed up blood ever since i started taking it." He said

"Did it go away?" I asked

"Eventually..." he said sipping  more of his coffee

"Thats good then..." i sighed

Kaito was humming to himself as he just sat there smiling. I looked around and kept staring at Shuichi's monitor. Then suddenly its started beeping faster than what it was before... it wasn't super fast but it was more than what his heart rate was originally. I looked over at Shuichi and i saw his hand twitch slightly. I jumped up slightly. Kaito looked at me confused and Shuichi grunted slightly. He was still asleep but that was proof enough for me that he will be okay. Time had gone by and it was pretty late. Kaito had gone home for the day and i stayed in the hospital and sat on the mini couch that they had off to the side of the room. Its was very silent and all i heard was the monitor. God this is getting boring.... Shuichi is barely alive and all im doing is waiting around  hoping he will be okay. Its almost been 4 months and he still isn't awake. im starting to slowly lose hope of this situation. Well... Kaito said i needed to believe that things will be okay. Its just really boring without him. Shuichi really made my life interesting and its gonna be very hard on my if i lose him. I stared at the ceiling as i laid on the couch. I started to drift asleep but then i heard shuffling...followed by crying. I look over to the bed that Shuichi was laying in and he was moving slightly and had tears coming down his face. I got up and ran to him. I tried to comfort him as best I could for some one who was still asleep. He finally calmed down and stayed silent. I walked back to the mini couch and laid back down and went to sleep. hopefully Shuichi  wakes up soon... I haven't told him everything i did when we got separated.


Morning broke and i was still sleeping on the couch. I was pretty tried for some odd reason. I don't know how long I slept in but someone knocked on the door and it woke me up. I stood up and headed to the door and opened it. It was Kiibo.

"May i enter?" He said

"Yeah sure" i said opening the door all the way

"Thank you." He said walking in as i closed the door behind him

"Its not a problem Kiibo" i said smiling gently

He sits down on the mini couch and looks over at me. I looked back not knowing what to say to him.

"He hasn't waken up yet hasn't he?" He said

"N-no but his body moves every once in a while now..." i said

"Hmm okay then.... it sure is taking long" he said

"Yeah... but im sure he will be okay"  i said

"You know my creator gave me some upgrades with medical procedures and scannings." He said

"Wait like x-ray vision and other things like that?" I said

"You could say thats what it is..." he said

"Whoa that's sooo cool!" I said

"If you say so.." he shrugged

"Can you check and see if Shuichi has brain damage? The doctor said it was possible but that they don't know yet... i know they are hiding something." I said

" I could give it a try..." he said looking over at Shuichi.

He walks up to Shuichi and his eyes start glowing. He stays standing there for few seconds and then sits back down.

"Well there looks like there is a possibility he might have temporary memory loss due to the concussion but other than that its hard to tell." Kiibo stated

"Thats good to know...they wouldn't tell me anything." I said

"Hmm... that is rather strange." He said

"The did say something they just didn't tell me specifics." I said

"They probably had their reasons for why they didn't tell you." He said

"I guess you're right" I replied

I heavily breath out and sit down on a chair. Kiibo looks at me and sits down next to me and puts a hand on my back.

"He will be fine Kokichi...  just don't lose hope..." he said

I just look away and feel myself wanting to cry from how bad i feel. I cover my face with one hand to hide the tears. Then suddenly i saw Shuichi open his eyes. My heart stopped and Kiibo stayed quiet and still. He then sat up slightly and looked over at us. I got out of my chair and slowly walked up to him. He kinda backed away from me slightly kind confused on where he was at. I got close enough to him that I hugged him. What kinda got to me is that he didn't hug back. I pulled away and looked at him.

"Who are you?"  Shuichi said

My heart sank faster than the titanic when i heard him say those words. I looked at him with a pain felt smile.

"Shuichi dont you remember me?" I said

"I have no idea who you are" he replied

I tried so hard to keep my composure but it was rather difficult. I still looked at him.

"Im Kokichi Ouma also known as the ultimate supreme leader" i said

"Kokichi Ouma? I don't know you at all. I never even heard the name before. Besides what is a ultimate supreme leader? Is that even a title?" He said

Okay i really don't feel okay. Shuichi really did forget me... im not a boring person but... how could he just forget me out of all people? Did i really just waste 4 months in a hospital just to know in the end that he would forget me? Damn it.... i guess we were not meant to be... What a total bust and waste of time... im sorry Kaito but believing isn't my thing. I pick up my cape and my hate and walked to the door.

"Where are you going Kokichi?" Kiibo called

"I need to go get things done on my part. Just have Kaito watch him until i get back." I said

"Okay i will" Kiibo replied

"Thanks Kiibo I really appreciate it" i said

"No problem Kokichi" he said

I lied... im not gonna come back soon... he forgot about me. Im sad about that even if it's temporary but God knows how long that is gonna take. I sighed as i closed the door to Shuichi's room in the hospital and walked down the hall. I put my hat on and my cape as i walked. I headed out the double doors to the entrance and walked away. Then I disappeared in a near ally way by the hospital trying to find my way home from there.

Some day, I promise you...(A Kokichi Oma and Shuichi Saihara story)Waar verhalen tot leven komen. Ontdek het nu