Mental Stability

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Kokichi's pov

~3 months later~

Three months had gone by and Shuichi was still in the hospital for brain injuries.. he had been in a coma ever since we went to the bar. Maki, Kaito and me were sued for what had happened in the bar three months ago... the guy that i had ripped his balls off was still alive and pissed at us for the fight but i don't regret it because we were both found guilty so the trial was pointless. But the judge only sent me to jail for about a month since i did the worse thing. The man tried charging me for injury I inflicted and i said i was doing it out if defense but took it too far so they found it pointless. Kaito even agreed with me later that the guy deserved it because Shuichi hasn't waken up since that day and the doctor says he might have some memory issues but overall he should be fine once he wakes up and recovers.. from his head hitting that bar stand he got a major concussion. He must have had been thrown pretty hard... ever since i got out of prison i never left Shuichi's side.... Kaito and Maki watched him until i got out. Kiibo on the other hand didn't work but he also helped out when it came to Shuichi's health. He would stay around with me and only stay in the day time and came back at in the morning. All I really did was sleep.. my subordinates would come by and check on us every two days. Other than that i never left that room. I waited and waited hoping he would wake up soon but he didn't. Weeks had gone by then it became months. In total 6 months had gone by.... and he still hadn't waken up. One night... I decided to sleep in the hospital bed with him and i started crying... i felt so much pain in my heart...I couldn't handle the fact that he might never wake up but I also had to give him time... but seeing him in this state was just saddening. But something today just mad me mad but also... well I would really say glad or happy it was more in between sorrow and being glad to forgive if that makes any sense.... the man that i had ripped his balls off somehow found us in the hospital... he knocked on the door and i answered it... no one was in the room to say anything to me about the situation and the fact that when i saw him when I opened the door I slammed it shut.

"Hey i know your upset but please let me in" he said

"Why should i let you...even after what you did to him" i said

"Look i dont wanna make this a scene... can we just talk calmly about this..." he pleaded

"I thought you settled things in court with this... what more do you want?" I said.

"Nothing i just... wanna know how he's doing" he said

"Its really none if your concern how he his" i said

"Look if you really wanna know why im here... I'm here to apologize..." he said

I opened the door and looked at him.

"Just get the hell in" i said

He walked in and sat down on a chair and looked at me as i sat down and looked at Shuichi. I had a look of despair in my face and the man noticed this."

"Is he really in this state because of me?" He said

"Yeah he is... you really did push him really hard" i said

"Im really sorry i put him in this state it wasn't my intention.." he said

"Yeah and you literally brushed that off in court by saying you were drunk...." i said

"Yeah i know... and im not excusing myself for my actions.... you had every right to do what you did to me.." he said

"Yeah you think? I dont take head injuries so lightly... honestly I thought about it and yeah i may have gone over board but i dont like it when people hurt the ones i love..." i said

Some day, I promise you...(A Kokichi Oma and Shuichi Saihara story)Where stories live. Discover now