Chapter 3: A New Friend

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Narma stands in front of a few cages as he watches the mice run and play.

Narma: This brown one, it's got some serious infection. I shouldn't adopt it. Hmmm, this gray one, it seems a little too old. Ohhh! A black one! Hmmm, it's got a few injuries, it may get infection. Maybe another day.

He turns to leave the shop but a certain mouse catches his eye. He turns back to the mouse and his eyes lay on a tiny little mouse, not playing like the others. It's white fur, red eyes, and tiny figure, it's perfect!

Shop Owner: You got your eyes set on a real good one, lil boy, that's an albino.Tell ya what, you buy two mice I'll give you a discount.

Narma: Are you dead serious.

Shop Owner: Do I look like a joker to ya?

Narma: Alright! Thanks so much.

Narma sets his eyes on the white mouse and looks for one more. He looks for another mouse as he sees yet another pet.

Narma: Woah! Those colors

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Narma: Woah! Those colors. Blue for the tears, red for the blood, yellow for the infections, and green for sickness. The very colors of pain.

He gathers the different necessities for the pets.

Narma: Some feed, bedding, exercise wheel, cage, water bottle, food bowl and some soap for my mice and bird. That should be it. I just need another mouse.

He looks around to see more mice, he looks at all the different colors until he comes across a mouse that seemed special. Fur darker than night, eyes fiercer than a tigers. It's the other mouse he was looking for. He walks up to the handler.

Narma: Excuse me, I'd like to take the black mouse, the albino mouse, and the lorikeet please.

Handler: You got a good eye there young man. Spot out the best did ya? These are one of the most prized animals in our store. Well, first come first serve. You look like a responsible little boy.

He reaches into the cage and scoops the mice out. He does the same for the lorikeet.

Handler: Here you are. Make sure they are more worth than gold young man. They stay prized even after their death.

He hands Narma the animals and he walks up to the cashier.

Cashier: Lot of stuff there ducklin, you sure you strong enough to carry that.

Narma: Yeah, I train, I can handle it.

He balances them all on his non dominant hand and watched the cashier look at him in shock.

Cashier: Well I should close my mouth. Sign these pet adoption papers.

Narma: My pleasure.

With the pen in hand, he starts to fill in the form. The albino's name, Shiro (White in Japanese しろ)Black mouse's, Kuro ( Black in Japanese くろ) and the lorikeet, Itami ( Pain in Japanese いたみ) He fills each blank with ink as his hand presses down on the paper. He finally finishes 10 minutes of writing.

Cashier: I have to say, you're faster than most people. Most of those who finish at your pace have some nasty handwriting but yours is so easy to read.

Narma gives a smile and purchases his new friends. He walks out with two bags in each hand. He walks home and up the stairs and places the material on his desk and starts to unpack. He sets up the cages bringing out all the different equipment. He releases Kuro and Shiro our into their cages and perched Itami into its cage.

Koro Sensei: Some nice friends you got there. By the way, we don't have to speak out loud, we can't speak in your mind.

Narma: Right. So now that I have the pets, what do I do?

Koro Sensei: Let's start by checking them for injuries and diseases. Check all over its body for any infection, cuts bruises and other stuff. If you do, first  make a dissection, it's ok if you notice a stop in the heart, I'll teach you how to revive. First use your tentacles to pocket up the blood. Then replace the bad cells with tiny substitute cells, it will dissolve into some nutrients after it is replaced with those of the animals.

Narma follows his every word, dissecting, cleaning, stringing all the cells and finally seeing them breathe again.

Koro Sensei:Luckily, the sicknesses have been to a minimum, I must say, I calculated the average human learns at a speed of mastering this at 3  years most, most wouldn't have learned as fast as you, you can call yourself a master at this point.

Narma: Can I? I'm a necromancer! I can revive people from the dead!

Koro Sensei: Don't worry my boy, there's much to learn, you've already learned things most doctors don't know, you are very gifted in intelligence, strength, and appearance. I can see it, you'll grow up and be known as Mr. Steal Yo Girl. Except you're already married to ally0716 .

Narma: So I'm one of the most smartest unofficial doctor in the entire world? That's awesome!

Koro Sensei: That's just the beginning, you and I both know you can stretch beyond this point. You are the worlds greatest assassin, I see your future.

Narma: thanks Koro Sensei, now lets get back to learning.

Koro Sensei: You've got some spirit for a boy your age. Very well, let's continue!

Hours pass as Narma became more and more of a genius learning only from the best. He walked into his room a smart boy, he walked out a genius. It was clear that Narma would get into the best after learning from the best and that would be Kunugigaoka High.

Present Day

Narma straightened the tie on his well fitted uniform over his fit body and combed back his red hair. He made sure no dark circles and bags were under his blue eyes. He places Itami on his shoulder and Kuro and Shiro in his shirt pocket. Over the years, he has trained them to do tricks and obey him, they now are very obedient and don't act out of line, but they have their fun. Narma walks down the stairs of the house and sits at the table.

Narma: Mornin everyone.

Koro Sensei: Morning everybody!

Nagisa: Morning, look at you, ready for highschool. Just like when I was younger.

Narma: Yup, I'm ready...

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