#16 Day Dreamer [Part 2]

Start from the beginning

Somewhere along your train of thought your hand had gone slack and you brushed a strand of hair that had fallen in your face off of your forehead, forgetting that your hands were covered in blood. Poe rushed back in with a nurse on his heels he gripped your wrist again and it quickly pulled you out of your train of thought, again.

You looked up at him from the chair, trying to rid your brain of tratorious thoughts. He moved his other hand to try wiping the blood off your forehead, but you jerked back a little, not expecting it. He stopped and pulled his hand back from your face, looking down at it, also covered in blood, then back at you. "Ya, we're just gonna need a wet rag."

The nurse wrapped your hand in a quick bandage, "Lets get you to one of the rooms where we can stitch this up and put some bacta on it."

You were suddenly very focus on what the nurse had just said. "Stitches?" you asked slowly, your face pinched, not looking forward to it at all.

"Hey," Poe spoke up, "I'll be right there. It'll be okay."

Poe and the Nurse pulled you to your feet by your elbows and started leading you to one of the rooms, and you rolled your eyes, "Poe, I really am fine, you really don't have to stay."

You really didn't want him to feel obligated to stay because you were a scared little child. He probably had lots of better things to do like flying an X-wing and planning important Resistance things. Not to mention being incredibly hot.

Poe snapped his fingers in front of your face. "Stay with me, we gotcha." they had you lay down on the table and open your hand. You grit your teeth, "I'm serious, you don't have to stay." you reiterated.

He gave you a confused look, "Do you want me to leave?" he asked, his voice sounding a little hurt. The nurse shot your with some anesthetic, and you cringed as she pulled out the needle.

You were taken a little aback and stumbled over your words, wanting to be honest but not wanting to be childish. "Uh,.. n-not really?" It came out sounding more like a question than an answer, but Poe took it anyways and shrugged.

"Okay, then I'm staying. Like I said," he smirked, "Blood totally doesn't bother me." He kept a hold of your wrist as the nurse moved around the room. He was scared for a moment that you really did want him to leave, and he was starting to seriously consider asking you out on a date, so that would have been a total bummer. He smiled really glad that he run into you.

Your thoughts started feeling more jumbled than they usually were, and you really just wanted to close your eyes and sleep, but you fought it for a moment, trying to think of something funny to say in reference to the earlier joke about Poe and blood, but your drowsy brain could only manage the truth. Blood may not bother him. "But what if I do?" you asked, blinking. Your eyes felt so heavy, and then you were out.

Poe was still sitting by you in the little room when you came to about a half hour later. He was on your other side now, holding that hand instead. And he had cleaned up some too. There was still some blood on his shirt, but he had obviously tried to scrub it out, if the damp spot was anything to go by.

"Hey babe." He said softly, from the chair next to you and you slowly turned your head to look at him.

"What?" you asked. You yawned and tried to move your hand to cover your mouth but he didn't let it go.

"I said, hey babe..." he paused for a minute, and looked at you nervously before continuing, "Doctor Kalonia came in a few minutes ago and told me you have ADD." he stopped, letting his words sink in. The Doc had told him that he most definitely should not mess with you.

He had asked her why and Kalonia stiffly told him that you had ADD and how that usually affects people, giving them a fear of rejection. He was a little shocked by the doctor's cold tone of voice, but he got over it after a second, realizing that he did sort of have a reputation for aimless flirting. Poe had nodded and reassured her that he had no intentions of hurting you.

Your eyes went wide at his admission, and you hummed. "So... y-ya... I... I do..." you stuttered anxiously, waiting for him to clarify where he was going with this.

Poe ran his free hand through his hair, and smiled at you. "It's totally fine. I like you anyways." He paused. and then chuckled, "Though I did think you were dying for a bit there." He grinned.

You huffed out a small laugh, he really was very funny. "Sorry about that. I just get distracted easily."

He shook his head, "It's really fine! I think its cute." He laughed again when you blushed. "And so is that."

Your face broke out into a smile. "Stop it." you giggled a little, pulling your hand out of his for good measure.

"Okay," he said, shrugging it off with a cocky look, and brought his face closer to yours, whispering "But on our date tonight, you have to tell me what you were thinking."

Your face blanched, there was no way in kriffing hell that you were going to tell him that you had literally been drooling over him the entire time you had known him!

Then your brain caught up with what he had said. "Wait, a date?"

"Yep... you, me, us, maybe some alcohol, pain meds..." he drawled, "You know, the works." He grinned again, scratching the back of his neck while you thought it over.

You would be lying if you said you didn't take your sweet time replying. It was sort of cute to see him a little nervous. "Well...." you stalled, "The alcohol sure sounds like a good idea."

Poe beamed at you and pulled you gently up by your uninjured hand. "Great! Let's go then!"

You cocked your head questioningly, "Now?" you asked, it was still pretty early for drinking, and you did have work to go back to, but Poe just pulled you out the door and grinned, still holding your hand.

"Yep, time's a-wastin!"



Huge thanks to FennaB11 for the great idea for this short story! I'm really pleased with how it turned out! Poe is so sweet!

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