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Bradleywillsimpson: you shouldn't have favourite children

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Bradleywillsimpson: you shouldn't have favourite children. I'm sorry, but I dropped that rule, Juliet is my favourite child because Romeos a Mr Steal Yo Man and my wife loves him too much, sorry Romeo I had to do that.


Lottiesimpson: excuse me that better not be Juliet's bed on the sofa
Bradleywillsimpson: lottiesimpson whoops, I broke the rule🤷🏻‍♂️
Lottiesimpson: bradleywillsimpson brad, there was no rule about the dogs bed on the sofa. She doesn't sleep in her bed if she's on the sofa😂🤦🏼‍♀️
Bradleywillsimpson: lottiesimpson phew, thought I was in trouble then😂😂

Bradislove: Juliet's cute😍
Lottiesimpson: brad mate Juliet is stealing your fans^
Bradleywillsimpson: lottiesimpson Romeo stole your fans😂
Lottiesimpson: that is true tbf😂

Jamesmcvey: she looks like she's trying to say "daddddddd let me sleep for goodness sake"
Connorball: Jamesmcvey it's that look we make when dean gets his camera out😂
Deansherwood: connorball Jamesmcvey don't deny it you love having your photos taken
Thevampstris: I LOVE IT deansherwood IM THE MODEL IN THIS BAND

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