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I paced up and down the corridor at Heathrow Airport, I was so worried. I just kept over thinking everything. I didn't want to see how hurt she was, I didn't want to see how vulnerable she was. I was scared. I looked back  at my friends we had all been brought closer during this turbulent time but each one felt as scared as me, Tris had sat on the floor, his head against the wall, his earphones in. James was biting his nails, his leg bopping up and down, whilst he stared at the plain white wall in front of him. Connor had his head on his legs, his hands on his messy hair. I looked back at Rachel, Charlotte's mum, she was staring out of the window waiting to see her aeroplane land, I could never imagine having a child going missing and not knowing what happened to them, this time must be so hard for her. Then, I was brought out of my thoughts as I passed them for what felt like and probably is the 200th time today.

"Sit down..." James muttered, patting the seat next to him, I nodded and took the offer, my legs had really started aching from all the pacing. "What's up?" He asked, turning around to face me.

"What if she's really hurt?" I replied back voicing my concerns.

"That's what I'm worried about." Connor whispered behind me, his head coming out from his lap. To be fair, I think we all had the same fear.

"I can't face it, I can't..." I started to say but Tris intruptted me.

"Charlotte!" He shouted. I turned around and saw a skinny girl who probably hasn't ate in a long while, with black eyes, making her normally brown wide eyes look small and bruises defining her face, painting a painful picture for everyone to look at. This wasn't my Charlotte.

I mean, it is.

But when I last saw Charlotte, she was beautiful and now, she's badly bruised, skinny and has black eyes, baring the scars of a war that she didn't want to be put through. I slowly got up and watch the boys interact with her, but the confidence wasn't there for her, she normally was so talkative and she'd laughed and smiled. I don't think she even replied to them, or laughed and smiled.

"She hasn't spoke to anyone but him." Rachel whispered beside me, bringing my attention to a brown haired Male who was watching the commotion. Who are you? That's my girlfriend, you twat, jealousy possessed my body. I patiently waited for everyone to finish talking to her, but through out I watched the man who kept watching her, my body tense.

Then, finally they had finished and I walked over to her.

"Charlotte..." I weeped, I could not bare to contain the tears anymore. She didn't even say anything, she just stared at me. "I missed you." Her face didn't even change shape, she never even smiled. So, I tried to hug her and she pushed me away. I looked back at her in confusion. Hurt.

She pushed me away...

"Baby, what was that for?" I asked, I was so confused.

"Do not touch me." She bluntly said before walking back to the man. I just stood there, in shock. This was supposed to be the best day of my life, but She didn't even want to speak to me or have a hug from me, this was something I waited for, for so long. Why? I worked so hard to find her

Did she not want to be found? Because with the way she's acting right now, she could quite happily get right back on the plane and fly the fuck straight back to Australia and live there. I can't even deal with this. Then I felt someone snake an arm around my neck.

"It's okay mate." Connor said, his jaw clenched and his fists balled up. "Who the fuck are you?" He asked the male, who had just hugged Charlotte. He was angry.

"Tom." He replied putting an arm on charlottes back and touching her... well yeah... and that's not acceptable because she's a taken woman. I have a strange feeling about this 'Tom', is his name even Tom?

"Get of her." James said, his teeth clenched.

"You see, Lottie, Charlie, Charlotte, whatever you know her as, that's her boyfriend." Tristan said walking over to him and pulling his arm of Charlotte. "So let's not try anything, unless you want some very angry fangirls coming your way." Even when Tris is trying to be serious, he's funny.

"So Brad's allowed to cheat?" Tom sarcastically laughed, I clenched my fists. How dare he bring that back up. I walked towards him, ready to punch him to Mars and right back, when James and Connor pulled me back.

"He's not worth it, she's home let's not ruin this moment." Connor whispered in my ear, so I nodded in response.

"No and Charlotte." Her mum said, "you're going home." She ran forward and pulled Tristan back. Tris then walked back over to us and put his hand on my shoulder.

"She's just being silly." Tris said, before turning on his heel and walking off. Great so now Tristan is in a mood.

"Come on Charlotte." James said smiling at her and wrapping an arm around him. But then she pushed his arm of her too.

"I've already said this don't touch me." She growled, James looked hurt because that is his best friend.

"You let him touch you." Connor punched out his words.

"Stop." I shouted, my voice breaking. "Let's just go home!" I walked to the car park and Charlotte followed.

"Brad." She whispered.

"We will talk when we get home." I snapped, sliding into the driver seat and she doing the same in the back seat. We drove the whole way back in silence. Then we watched everyone pull up outside the house.

"Everyone followed us." I said getting out of the car and smiling at Rachel, James and Connor.

"Not everyone tris..."

"Well we know why." I mumbled, getting out my keys and opening the door to let everyone in.

Things have changed, I thought to myself. I looked at Charlotte, who had curled in a ball on our sofa, it was clear she didn't want me, James was trying to be the one who defused the tension but boy he was failing and Connor, well he was pissed off. Me? I feel numb. So numb. I can't believe it. She was safe. But... she didn't love me.

She loved Tom. And I know my time is ruining real thin before she left me.

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