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A/n don't play the song until I say it's to set the mood!

The boys introduction played on the screen and the happy screams filled the packed arena. Me and the girls turned around, ready to watch our boys.

"I really like being on tour," a recording played of Brad's voice played, the recording showed them performing at many different places on all of their different tours, "I get to see all the wonderful fans and thank them for everything." Screams erupted as the video played a montage of the boys hugging loads off different fans, "plus I get to make my best friend, Charlotte, proud of us." The film played a slow motion clip of me and Brad messing around, we were throwing random things at eachother and at the end Brad came and picked me up, slinging me over his shoulder and spinning me around. We both had massive grins on our face and it made me smile just watching it.

"Awwwwww!" The crowd yelled and Kirstie put her arm around mine.

"He loves you," She smiled at me, "you can just tell from the way he speaks about you."

I just smiled. I hadn't told anyone about mine and Brad's conversation, let alone the fact that we kissed. I didn't make any progress on what we were, but I know he's still in love with me. Which made me so happy.

"Are you ready London!" Brad yelled, as he came bounding out on stage, the rest of the boys getting into place and playing the chords to Can We Dance and he was answered with a swarm of screams.

He started singing and me and the girls started dancing. I've missed seeing my boys on tour, it's the happiest time of my life.

The night was a whirlwind of dancing, giggling, fun and friends, it was the best night of my life, at some point through out the night Harvey, Reece, Blake and George came and joined us. We jumped around and it was like we were the boys biggest fans. At some points, Brad kept looking at me and laughing; he was so cute though. Everyone kept aw-ing when it happened.

But, I still kept wondering what the surprise was.

After the boys interval, Brad and the boys came on the stage, with Graham; one of the security, carrying a stall. That was a bit confusing.

"Hello guys," Brad said and the people screamed.

"I think everyone's a bit excited at the moment!" Connor giggled as James came running past him, pouring some water over him, "Oi, I'm going to get you back for that." Everyone laughed. Well, I feel sorry for Kirstie, tonight's probably gonna be full of lots of pranks.

"I wanna do something real quick." Brad stated, walking towards me. He had a massive grin on his face. "Miss Manning, you're coming with me." He climbed down the stairs and took my hand making me follow him. Everyone erupted in a volcano of screams and I covered my face in embarrassment.

"Charlotte, do you remember when Kirstie told you I wrote a song for you?" He asked.

"Yeah?" I replied, slightly confused.

"I never got to perform it to you, so to make up for it I'm going sing two songs." He patted the stall for me to sit on and I took up his offer. "This first song is a cover, to a song called girl crush."

He's singing my favourite Harry Styles cover. Woah...

Connor and James started playing the chords and Brad's beautiful voice took over the arena as we plunged into silence.

"I got a girl crush
Hate to admit it but
I got a heart rush
Ain't slowing down
I got it real bad
Want everything she has
That smile and that midnight laugh
She's giving you now." He sang, his eyes closed as he stood in front of me, everyone was silent.

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