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Iris P.O.V

I was on the couch. There were 23 vampires in the Cullen's house by now. Esme and Carlisle have not returned yet they were the ones traveling the farthest. Also they are the only ones who haven't returned. Who knows how many witnesses they would bring back. I sat there quietly observing everyone. Some talked about the hunting rules,some caught up with each other,and others stood like statues. The wolfs talked amongst them selfs. What was I to do sit here till the battle that could take days or even months. I remember searching with Alice and Jasper to find someone like Renesmee and we did it took months. That was when the door opened. Everybody turned there head. Then went back to what they were doing. It was Esme and Carlisle. I walked towards Esme and Carlisle. Esme walked towards me and hugged me and looked into my eyes with sympathy. Clearly Carlisle told her my story. Part of our Human life was the same. We both had abusive husbands. The only difference was when I figured it out it was to late.

"I'm going to go hunting.", I said

She stopped hugging so I could go. I walked out the door and down the steps. I step on the green grass. I walked into the woods. I got deeper and deeper every step. I climb a tall tree and just sat there. I lied about going to hunting I just wanted to be by myself. I sat on a branch of a tall tree. I sat there for 30 minutes. I better get back before Carlisle has a stake out for me. I ran back to the house. I was at the front down of the house in seconds. I opened the door and no one reacted not even the wolfs with growl or there lips curled back. It was like I was nothing but air. Invisible,Untouchable. I walked up the stairs to the third floor were nobody was. I walk to a corner of the house. There was a cord hanging from ceiling. The cord wasn't even a foot. I looked up at the short cord swaying back and forth very little. I pulled the cord the stairs slid down. I step on the wood step. I walk up the steps. Once I reached the top I shut the ladder/door. I looked up to see I was not alone. I was quite surprised. I saw the back of tall slender man with sandy blonde. He turned his head very little. He had photo in his hand. He turned back and started fiddling with the pile of photos he was looking threw. So this must have been the witness Carlisle and Esme brought back. I realized I was still sitting there just staring at him. He looked so familiar. I got up and walked to the other side of the attic to some old dusty books that haven't been touched in about 50 years. It was dead silence. I hated silence because it remind me of my past, but I was used to the silence. I stood there flipping threw the pages of one of the books. They smell like dust and this unexplainable old smell. It was as if he could read my mind he broke the silence.

"So what brings you up here.", he said in a not really interested tone with a slight British accent.

"Well...",I said I was debating weather I tell him the true or not.

"I wanted some privacy and I was tried of just being another face in a crowded. Not to be notice.", I decided the true for some odd reason I felt like I could trust him. I didn't look up from the book still flipping pages.

"If you don't mind me asking... Why are you up here.", I asked. I turned around and looked at him.

"I don't like being in crowds. I prefer being by myself.", he said has if he hasn't talked about himself in centuries. He turned around and looked at me.

He stood there in silence just staring me observing me standing there facing him. Has if he is trying to process something in his head.

"Alistair.", he broke the silence My name is Alistair."

"Iris". I said as I pushed a strand of hair behind my hear.

We stood there in silence just staring at each other. I know we have met each other before. Why is it when I try to remember something I can't, but when I want to forget it I can't. Or try remembering something and the terrible memories start filling my head. Percy's name rang thought my head. I could feel the sorrow and painful look in my eyes. I quickly turned around not wanting him to see the pain. I probably made him think he was making me uncomfortable. But he wasn't I wanted to know were I knew him from because I know deep deep down in this memory I have seen him before. I thought harder and harder digging thought all my memories...all my bad memories. I turned around. He didn't move an inch. By the look on his face he was clearly thinking about something too. He looked down for 15 seconds.

"Of course",he said. He looked up at me.

"Oh My--", I said before he cut me off. I realize from were I knew him from.

"493 years ago..."he struggled on saying the rest.I was surprise he had the years right and that he would remember.

"You saved my life.", I finished his word softly. I looked down. This man had no idea how he deeply affected me just by seeing him for 10 minutes. Those ten minutes was the only good memory I have ever had.

For the first time in my second life and most of my human life...I smiled. Something I thought I would never happen again or that I even remembered how. We stood there in silence as if we were savoring every second of this moment, and that one moment that happen 493 years ago. Walked towards him. We walked toward the photos he was messing with only 45 minutes ago. We looked at thought the photos of the Cullen's only one of them had me in it. It was the one were we played a baseball game in 1940. We talked for hours just enjoying are selfs. He asked me about my life. I told him everything. I told him about my how my mother died giving birth, how my father hated me, how I had a step mother that didn't want me for me, a step brother that was taken away from me, how Percy lied to me about love and killed me because my dad wished for it, how percy killed my son,How I met Carlisle,how the Volturi killed my step brother his mate and Child for a crime they didn't do, and my pain that I have lived. I trusted him and he was the first person I have ever trusted this much before and this quickly. There was silence as we looked threw the photos.

"When I was dying you were the last thing I thought about before my step brother changed me. You were the only happy memory of mine. You were the only person I knew that really cared about me. Thank you. It took me 493 years to finally tell you.", I said softly not wanting anybody to hear me but Alistair

He smiled and pushed the hair that keep falling from behind my ear back in place. Right then are marble lips touched. Once we moved lips from each other's laid my head on his marble chest. His arms wrapped around me. His cold fingers brushed my hair. We stood there for several minutes. For the first time in centuries I feel wanted and loved....this time for real.

Author Note

Ok I know Alistair's hair is black in the books but I went by the movies. Because most people know him the way he looks in the movie than the book.

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