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Iris POV

I was driving home from work. I was driving slow for once. I was driving slow cause of the snow. "I had to choose to live in Siberia,Russia",I mumbled to myself. I was deep in the woods.When I turned a corner. You could see my house, a huge 2 story house. It was way to big for only one person to be living in it. That was when saw I saw two male figures in the drive way. "who the hell would be here at 12:00 at night in this weather", I said to myself. When I realized it was it Vladimir and Stefan. They were the only company I really ever have unless I went to visit Carlisle and his family or the Denalis or they came to visit me. Which was when Carlisle and Esme came her to ask me to witness for Renesmee. I hope Alice explained why I said no. I said no cause Alice and Jasper came to me 5 hour before Carlisle and Esme came to mand Alice told me if I wanted to help Carlisle tell him No and take a plain to Brazil and meet them there. So I did has told. That was when I heard a tap on the window *Tap Tap*. I turned my head and saw Stefan. I cut the engine and I grab the keys and my purse and open the car door , and Stefan shut the door for me. "You two know we're the spare key why are you out here.",I said . "Cause we didn't know when you be home and we don't want to be intruders.", Stefan said. I rolled my eyes and threw the keys and Vladimir caught them and unlocked the door. I stopped at the mailbox to check the mail. I had a bill and a piece of mail from Denali,Alaska . It surely must have been from the Denalis. I walked up steps at the front Porch and opened up the front door and walked in and shut it and I locked the door. I walked to the living room. Vladimir was sitting on the couch and Stefan sat in the chair across from Vladimir. I sat down next to Vladimir, and put the mail on the coffee table. We sat there in silence. Vladimir and Stefan have always had a softer side around me. I think it is cause the Volturi have taken loved ones and things we cared about away from me has they did them. They were like family to me just like Cullen's and the Denali's. They were like older brothers to me like Carlisle ,and I was like a little sister to them. Vladimir was the one to break the silence " So have you heard from Carlisle? ". I shook my head "No... What have you two been up two lately...besides planing revenge on the Volturi.", i said. Vladimir and Stefan grinned at my statement. "Well... We went to Antarctica." Stefan said. I rose an eyebrow. "Antarctica?", I said confused "What were you doing there?"I asked confused . "we decided to take a trip", Vladimir said . "Ok.",I said. We talked for hours they left at 9:00a.m. I hug each one of them and said "bye" they said "bye" at the exact same time. I swear they could read each other's minds the way they finished each other sentences and said things at the exact same time. I waved bye to them has they ran off. I walked back inside and locked the door. I walked back to the living room and sat back down on the couch,and I picked up the mail of the coffee table. I picked up the one that said bill and read it. Then I picked up the small white envelope with a creamy floral print on it. I just stared at it thinking what it could possibly be. Cause I have never gotten mail from Tanya,Kate or Carmen and Eleazar . Two of those name bounced around in my head Carmen and Eleazar. Then I remember about the night my brother Jason and his mate Veronica and there kid killed for a crime they never made. Apparently there child was like Renesmee half human half vampire Carlisle had told me. I didn't feel the hate for Carmen and Eleazar has I did the Volturi. Cause they tried to tellnAro Jason and Veronica spoke the true. I started to trace my finger over the creamy floral print. Then I opened it. The card said.

You Are Invited To Join
Us For
Katrina Denali
At 9:00 am April 5th
Denali's House

I was so happy for Kate to find happiness. That was when I realized to day was March 17th. The Wedding was only 20 days away. I would have to buy a dress this week. I put the Invitation back on the coffee table, and ran up stairs to the photography room and printed off those pictures I needed for work. That was when I slipped my hand in my pocket and grabbed my iphone 5 and typed in the password. Then dialed my bosses phone number. He answered on the second ring.

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