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7. Home

Iris POV

I was standing in the dark in front of my house. I just stared at it embracing how big it was. I dragged my stuff up the steps. I opened the door. To see no one. Nothing moved everything were I had left it. I saw note on the coffee table. I dropped my bags and ran into living room and grabbed the note off the coffee table. I sat down on the couch. The note was in Carlisle hand writing. I was happy not to be here for three weeks cause I didn't want to see or speak to anyone. It said.


Esme and Me came down here after Tanya

found the note in her car. We were here for

several days but you wouldn't come home.

If you need Anyang Iris and I mean anything.

Don't hesitated to call Esme or me.


I just stared at the letter. Thinking deeply about what I should do. I sat the note down I turned my head and stared at the home phone on the kitchen counter. I got up off the couch and walk to the kitchen. I pick up the phone and typed in Carlisle's phone number I was about to type last digit. I pressed decline and set the phone down. I knew if I talk to Carlisle all he would tell is things will get better. I walked to my bags picked them up and ran vampire speed to my room. I sat my suite case by the door to my room. My purse was downstairs on the coffee table. I walked slowly to couch in my room. I laid down. I thought

If the eyes are the gateway to your soul, if I had one what would people see in me ? Did they see the happy everything is perfect me. Or did they see past my disguise did they see the real me did they see the one who is heart is dead of sorrow, crumbled up inside,the one who is desperate for love.

I laid there for 5 days just thinking about my words. So far Tanya,Carmen,andCarlisle were the only ones that saw threw my disguise but only a crack. When the home phone rang *ring ring* it stop then rang *ring ring* it stop and it stop and rang again it when on and on. The on the 10 ring I got tried of the noise I got up, and ran down stairs to the kitchen. I picked up the phone I didn't even bother at look at the phone number.

Iris:" Hello.", I said quietly and annoyed

Esme: " Iris where were you me and Carlisle have been worried sick." She asked

I could hear her yelling for Carlisle in her soft smooth voice. I wanted to hang up, but that would be rude and she would just keep calling me

Iris: "Esme we don't get sick. And I'm fine I just went to Houston,Seattle,Forney,Ohio and then home. I'm fine.", I tried to say in cheerful tone but failed cause I was in so much sorrow

Esme: "Here's Carlisle.", she said

Carlisle: " Iris where have you been?", he said so fast only a vampire could here.

Iris:"Houston,Seattle,Forney,Ohio and then home.", I said

Carlisle:" But why it is not like you to storm out. Me and Esme are going to come down and see what is wrong.",he said

Iris:"No, Carlisle I need to be a lone right and if you come down here I will just leave.", I said

Carlisle:"Is this about Happiness, Cause Iris-", he said before I cut him off.

Iris:"Carlisle you haven't figured it out yet have you? Happiness is just an illusion for me. Carlisle an illusion just an illusion never coming true. Carlisle I'm lucky that I even have an illusion.", I said in sorrow. I hung up before he could say another word.

He knows me well enough to know I run away from my problems. I always have and alway will. I walked back to my room slowly. I went to the window and just stared out to the big forest covered with snow.






As the months pasted by I started to show how I felt. I start to become what I felt. I have became broken. It was October 29th. I was sitting in the living room reading Romeo and Juliet. When I herd two car doors shut then foot steps up to the porch. The door bell rang once then twice. I got up and walk to the door with no rush. I opened up the door. There stood Alice's small pixie figure huddled up to Jasper. With a black dress covered in black feathers and a mask with a beck like nose.

"Hello.", I said as I rose an eyebrow

"Hi.",Alice said in her perky voice why'll skip gracefully threw the door and Jasper walked in be hide her.

"What are you doing here?", I asked as I shut the door and followed them into the living room.

"To give your costume.", She squeaked holding out the black dress covered in black feathers and the mask. Which was clearly a type of bird.

"For what?", I asked

"Halloween silly", she said thrilled

"Alice....",I said. Looking down at her.

She looked up at me.

"I don't know if you notice but kind of to old for Halloween.", I said.

Alice laughed and Jasper grinned knowing what meant.

"It's not for trick-or-treating. It is for are Halloween party we are all dressing up." She said happily

Jasper's grin quickly disappeared. He was clearly being forced to do this. I knew was about to be forced into this too.

"And I'm invited why?", I asked

"Cause your Carlisle's friends and he want to see you be yourself.", she answered

"Oh yes... Alice and I dress up like a bird everyday.", i said looking down at the costume

" he want you to say there for a week or so and it is a raven.", she said

"Fine I will go.", I said

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