He looked at me, rolling his eyes and i pulled off.

Maybe i can get back on his good side. I said my goodbyes to the niggas trapping and i headed on home.

Ill cook for my bitch, he won the fight i mines well feed him as a reward.

I got the asparagus, the lobster tails, some broccoli, some shrimp and steak. Oh yea, soon as i get this shit right, he won't be mad anymore.

I turned on Jay Z blueprint album and i went to work. I rinsed everything off, i seasoned up some shit and had it smelling right. The easiest thing to make was the shrimp. But the butter rice kinda got burnt soo i just slipped that right in the garbage. See its good to make a lot because if you fuck up, you just substitute it with something else. I Got my steaks on low like the bitch on youtube said and my asparagus in the microwave oven.


I could really divorce this pussy. I could live happily ever fucking after ! I don't need this type of stress and drama in my goddamn life. I just don't .

I detached the girls from their carseats. They both were sleeping so i had Chanel over my right shoulder and Celine over my left. I gotta stop feeding their asses so much

I unlocked the door, instantly i was slapped by the smell of butter and shrimp.

I said to myself " I Know This Nigga aInt In My House !"

I know this hungry nigga dont think im gonna be nice because he heated up some leftovers. Once in the house, i put the girls on the couch and proceeded to the kitchen.

Rasul is in here listening to Jay Z with this short set on , cooking. When did he start cooking ?

Rasul: BAby, your home. I know your still mad at me but your boy gonna fix this shit all up for you .

I stepped closer to my cooking area, he had literally every last one of my pots, spoons, forks and cutting knives out.

Me: Wtf are you making ? Wtf are you even doing in my house ?

Rasul: you'll see when its done and i came by because i left some paperwork that i needed. I fell asleep on the couch and decided to cook for yall before i leave for the night. And i wanted to tuck the girls in. I don't want to confuse them with my absence

I rolled my eyes and returned to my girls. I took them upstairs so they could get ready for their baths and eat dinner.

Rasul: BABE ! IT'S ALMOST READY  he screamed up the stairs.

Well, wth is almost ready cause all i smell is shrimp.

I took off my clothes and put on some of Rasuls ball shorts and furry slides.

I'm Skeptical because this is still a trained killer, he could be trying to poison me.

By the time i got down the steps, he had a plate ready for me. Next to my wine glass and perfectly set table.

Rasul: come sit down and eat beautiful.

I walked straight over to him and i grabbed his plate and fork. So if he is trying to kill me i don't eat the poison.

Me: when did you start cooking Rasul?

Rasul: you know i do a lil razzle dazzle

Well i never seen a damn lightskinned steak before. I mean it was so light it looked like a pork chop

Me: Uhh rasul i don't think you cooked this steak all the way.

I said poking at it

Rasul: Wym?

I took the steak knife and begin cutting into the extra rare fucking steak. I showed him the bloody ass insides and started laughing.

Me: and why didn't you cut the asparagus ? You eat stalks ? you tryna get taller or some shit?

He didn't cut the asparagus, season it or cook it right. He heated up some bamboo sticks is what the hell it taste like to me.

Rasul: So i'm trying to do something nice to redeem myself and you find that shit funny?

As i tried to bite the rubbery ass lobster. I looked at him in all seriousness and shook my head yes. I then started laughing. His face was so hurt , i enjoyed every second of it

ME: i don't see how you wanna cheat on me with stripper bitches when you need me ! You can't do shit for yourself, leading with cooking. Yet you wanna risk it all

He looked confused

Rasul: I can cook

Me: no baby, you can grill. I'll give you that but you can't cook me a damn thing. He threw the over mit at me he was so upset.

Me: Im sorry stink, its okay. Ill cook for you

I said walking closer to him, i sat on his lap and put my hands around his body.

He was so excited he started kissing on me.

Rasul: No i'm sorry, about fucking with that lil bitch. I fucked up, i admit that shit. You don't deserve that type of disrespect especially when you've been nothing but loyal to a nigga.

Me: Mhm

Rasul: im serious stink

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