Chapter Eight: I'm a Soldier

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"Yeah, the numbers on this ticket match the ones on the TV." Libitina said.

I looked at the TV and saw that it was displaying the winning lottery numbers.

"Oh my God...I won the lottery! All my debt will be gone!" I said in my head.

I took the lottery ticket from Libitina and looked at the TV.

The TV read:

"78 24 17 21 6 8"

I looked down at my lottery ticket and it read:

"56 28 29 35 28 5"

I looked back at Libitina and she was holding her laughter in.

She was...just messing with me.

I held in my anger as she didn't know how important that was to me. Also it's kinda hard to be mad at her.

"Ha...very funny, Libitina."

"That's for embarrassing me earlier, dummy!" Libitina said in a playful voice.

"Haha...yeah..." I said.

The disappointment came over me and I kinda felt dead inside. Back to working my a** of until I get out of debt.

"Hehe I love you, Haaaaarmon." Libitina said.

"Love you too."

Libitina continued to giggle as she grabbed the second lottery ticket. Her eyes opened really wide as she looked at the ticket and then the TV.

"H-Harmon!" Libitina said in an excited voice.

"Okay it was funny the first time, but now it's kinda annoying, Libitina." I said.

She was replaying her joke right after doing it?

"N-No, Harmon look!" Libitina said.

She tried presenting the ticket to me but I pushed it away.

"Libitina c'mon, stop messing with me." I said.

"Harmon! You won!" She cheered.

Libitina shoved the ticket into my face and I looked at the numbers. They seemed oddly familiar.

I took the ticket and scanned through the numbers, not expecting them to be winning.

The ticket read:

"78 24 17 21 6 8"

I looked up at the TV, still thinking Libitina was messing with me.

The TV read:

"78 24 17 21 6 8"

I sudden fear and excitement came over me. I felt as if I died but I never felt more alive in my entire life.

I looked at the TV and my ticket again. All of the numbers matched up.

"I...I..." I struggled to get my words out. I looked over at Libitina and she was crossing her fingers.

"D-Did...did we win?" She asked.

"We...we won..." I said

"We won?!" Libitina repeated.



Libitina lunged at me and wrapped her arms around me. She squeezed the life out of me in celebration.

I just won...$4,500,000.

Libitina let go of me and looked at me while she shook with excitement.

"W-When do you get your money?!" Libitina said.

"There's a lottery center down the street! I'll be right back!" I said.

"You're going now?"

"I'll be back before you know it."


"I'll be back."

I stood up and grabbed my jacket. I kept my lottery ticket in my hand the entire time that way I wouldn't lose it.

Before I went out the door I looked back at Libitina who was sitting on the couch.

"I love you, Libitina." I said.

"I love you safe..." She said.

Why would she say drive safe? Is she warning me about something?

"I will don't worry!" I said.

I closed the door behind me and walked towards the black BMW that was in my driveway. I hopped into the driver seat and drove down to the lottery center.

They normally just take your ticket, and then wire the money to your bank account if you won.

I pulled into a nearby parking lot and went into the lottery center that was across the street from the bank.

I went inside and there was a woman there with smile on her face. She had long brown hair with blue eyes.

"Hello sir, would you like to submit or purchase a ticket?" She said.

"Submit." I said.

I slid the ticket across the table and the woman put it under a scanner. Her eyes opened really wide when she saw how much money I had won.

"C-Congratulations sir..." She said.

"Thank you." I said.

I was excited nonetheless, however I was too tired to show it. Not to mention, the fact that Libitina messed with me that bad the first time still had me believing this was a dream.

"Would you like it as a check or cash?"

"Check. I'm heading to the bank to wire it to my account."


The lady wrote out a check and slid it across the table to me. I took the check and smirked at the woman.

"Thank you." I said.

I looked at the check snd noticed that she wrote her number on it. I would call her but...I have Libitina.

And I couldn't ask for anything more.

Not to mention she knew how much money I had and she probably didn't find me attractive until AFTER she knew how much money I had.

I ain't saying she a gold digger.

But she ain't messin' with no broke n-


I opened the door and left the lottery center. I began to walk across the street to the bank.

The street was lit by just one street light, and the bank was well lit. I was almost there and I was about 10 feet from the door.

Suddenly I felt something pointy poke my back and someone get next to my ear.

"Hello, Harmon. If you scream, I'll cut you wiiiide open." A voice said.

I tried my best to get a glance at the man, but I couldn't. The voice seemed familiar though.

"W-What do you want from me?" I said.

"Follow me..." The man said.

The man pushed me over to the bank and took me to the side of the building. I felt a sharp pain in my knees as the man kicked them.

I fell to my knees and the man stood in front of me. I looked up and took a nice long look at him.

I saw his brown eyes which were empty and it seemed that there was a third eye carving in his forehead.

It was...Cosgrove.


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