Chapter Seven: Deja Vu?

Start from the beginning

"You already did..."


" woke up."

I think Libitina started to cry a little, as it seemed my shirt started to get a little wet.

"I'm...I'm sorry I took so long..."

"It's woke up just in time."

"What...What do you mean?"

"Libitina, do you know what day it is?"


"'s Valentine's day."

Libitina lifted her head off of my shoulder and looked at me, whipping the tears from her eyes.

"It...It is?" She asked.

"Yeah. Libitina, I have a question to ask you." I said.

"W-What is it...?"

"Will you..."

My heart was racing as I looked at Libitina. Her face was of such innocence and beauty, and that's what I loved about her.

"Will you be my valentine?"

Libitina's face turned red as she turned away, but then she struggled to look back at me.

"Of...of course I will!"

Libitina wrapped me and a hug and I wrapped my arms around her. She squeezed me tightly as she burned up with excitement.

We eventually let go of each other and I stood up.

"Shall we go get dinner?" I asked as I held my hand out to Libitina.

"Y-Yes please."

Libitina took my hand and I pulled her to her feet. I carried the bags as we went over to the car and put them in.

Libitina sat in the passenger seat as I drove out of the parking garage and to restaurant that I knew.

We stopped by a Chinese restaurant because Libitina wanted to try it. We ordered it to go and I drove home while Libitina took bites of my food.

I pulled into the driveway and took the bag away from Libitina before she ate all my food.

I opened my car door to see that it was pouring down rain. I walked through the rain and into my house and set the food down on my table.

I grabbed an umbrella and went back out to the car. I opened Libitina's door for her.

"C'mon, I won't let you get wet." I said.

I held the umbrella over Libitina as we walked back towards my front door.

"But Harmon..." She said.

Libitina got right next to me and moved my hand so the umbrella was over both of us.

"If you hold out the umbrella, you'll get wet. If I stay close to you, we both won't get wet." She said.

I giggled a little bit as Libitina walked right next to me and we walked through my doorway. Libitina went in first as I collapsed my umbrella.

I took a look at my now clear and pretty lawn before I went inside.

"I couldn't ask for anything else." I said.

My girlfriend was back, I had a beautiful home, and now I'm about to spend my Valentine's day with the girl I love.

"C'mon, Harmon." Libitina said. 

"Coming!" I said.

I set the umbrella down next to the doorway and closed the door. I walked into the living room and saw Libitina sitting on the couch criss cross eating her lo mein with  chopsticks.

My food was on the coffee table in front of the couch.

I sat down next to Libitina and started to eat my chicken fried rice. Libitina turned on the TV and we watched a show called "Until The End Of Time" on the TV.

"What are these things?" Libitina asked as she reached into a paper bag that was on the coffee table.

It was the bag that I got while I was at the gas station earlier. Libitina pulled out two little pieces of paper.

"Oh those? They're called Lottery tickets." I said.

"What are those?"

"If you win, you get a TON of money."

Libitina played with the slip of paper and then looked at me.

"That's weird..." She said.

"What is?"

"The numbers on this paper match the ones on the TV."



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