Chapter 24

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Chapter 24
Lost In My Blood
Sarah Wilson
1124 Words

***** Trigger Warning: Violence, explosions, injury/trauma *****

I heard it. Bang, pop, boom. Whatever you'd like to call it.

All my mind did was pull Shawn to me and let anything else happen. I felt the shrapnel hit the back of me at full force. I tried holding onto Shawn as tightly as I could until I knew nothing would hit him or hurt him.

People started running down any exit they could and I wished I could go help them but I was frozen in place. I hope no one else got hurt. It's unlikely but if they did I hope someone's helping them.

Shawn finally says something and I'm incredibly relieved "You saved my life.. in a split second you saved my life.." He moves my arms off of him but I stumble forwards.

He catches me and curses loudly a few times "Th-they got you! You saved me by giving up yourself! You're, you're hurt.." I don't manage to say anything back and he looks around frantically at the empty arena "I need to get you out of here.. there's a backboard or something like that in your office right?!" I nod and he slowly makes me sit. "I'll be back I promise. Just stay with me okay?" I nod and mumble something while I lean against the barricade.

It's not good, that's for sure. I'm tired and weak, if it was okay I'd be frantic and nervous from the adrenalin. As long as I stay awake I'll be fine.

Shawn comes back with a backboard. I wince, knowing it'll push any pieces in my skin deeper. I hold my breath as he does it up and holds my head in place. He drags me outside exactly how I trained him to when I first worked for him. 45 degrees, head up feet down, steady pace.

A paramedic immediately noticed us and got me onto a stretcher. He does a log roll and I know by his silence that it must look like a disaster. I know I said I'd stay awake but I'm too exhausted. I close my eyes. They've got me.

~ Shawn Mendes POV

I can't believe what just happened. It can't be really. It just can't. I'm holding her hand like it's the last thing I'll ever do. It's bloody, it's way too bloody.

She's so selfless. She didn't try to hide, she didn't run. She protected me and stayed there. I can't help but feel survivors guilt. It could've been me. It should've been me.

I'm sure the first thing she'd tell me if she could hear me would be that she'd do it a million times again just for me. We get to the hospital and I'm pushed away to the waiting room.

I'm ridiculously nervous, is she okay? Are they doing what they're supposed to be doing? Where is she? After what seems like hours a doctor calls my name "She's okay. She has many deep cuts from the shrapnel but we're a bit more worried about her impact injuries. The force of everything and the speed make a few super tiny bleeds in her brain. These will go away on their own but we need to keep her here."

I thank him a million times but I think about the tour being over now. "Can she come back to Canada with me?" He sighs a bit "I'm really sorry but the altered pressure in the cabin isn't what she needs right now. I'd give it two weeks." I thank him again while he leads me to her room.

She's sitting up, loopy off of the pain meds. I laugh softly and kiss her gently, holding her hands. "In two weeks, we're gonna go to Canada. You're gonna meet my parents properly and it's gonna be perfect."

She smiles at me "Why don't you go now? I'm sure they miss you!" I laugh again "Because you can't come with me." She glares at me "Go, my little Canadian. Return to your igloo. I'll be there in no time!"

I think about it. It's enough time to plan the most amazing vacation for her. I'll make sure someone from my team stays with her.

"Alright baby, I'll go. I'll call you every morning and night but you can call me anytime too. I love you." I kiss her and squeeze her hand, leaving the room.

I feel a bit bad but I'm trying to do everything that will make her happier. Andrew and Geoff are gonna stay with her and update me.


It's been a week now and it's really nice to be back home but I miss her like crazy. I mean crazy. I just want to be with her! I should've never left, she must be so lonely! She gets scared when she's alone, god I'm so dumb. I need to call her.

Shawn: All it'd take is one flight.

Sarah: What do you mean?

Shawn: We'd be in the same time zone!

Sarah: We will be in a week. What's all this coming from?

Shawn: Looking through your timeline, seeing all the rainbows.

Sarah: Okay..

Shawn: I got an idea. And I know it sounds crazy. I just wanna see ya!

Sarah: I don't need a fancy proposal to face time you could just call me.

Shawn: Oh, I gotta ask. Do you got plans tonight?

Sarah: Nope. Hospital bingo was last night.

Shawn: I'm a couple hundred miles from Japan, and I, I was thinking I could fly to your hotel tonight? 'Cause I-I-I can't get you off my mind! Can't get you off my mind, can't get you off my mind.

Sarah: Babe.. It's really late. Are you sure?

Shawn: I could feel the tension!We could cut it with a knife.

Sarah: Relax I was just saying

Shawn: I know it's more than just a friendship! I can hear you thinking 'bout it, yeahhh

Sarah: No duh, we're engaged. Of course I think about it. The fact you can mind read is a bit weird but I'm too tired for that.

Shawn: Do I gotta convince you?
That you shouldn't fall asleep?

Sarah: Well no but it's still midnight

Shawn: It'll only be a couple hours! And I'm about to leave!

Sarah: Okay, okay it's fine

Shawn: I was hoping I could get lost in your paradise?
The only thing I'm thinking 'bout is you and I 'Cause I-I-I can't get you off my mind.

Sarah: Of course you can. Don't even have to ask.

Shawn: Let's get lost tonight.
Baby, you and I.

Sarah: Sounds like a plan my love.

A/N: Thanks for reading and remember to vote and comment! ❤️

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