Chapter 7

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Chapter 7
Lost In My Blood
Sarah Wilson
952 Words

I wake up to a million notifications on my phone. The bright screen brings my headache to my attention. I turn the brightness down and look at everything. All support posts for me, #Sarahthemedic? "Shawn Mendes! Come here and explain yourself!" He strolls in, confident and all. I hand him my phone "So?" He smiles proudly "I don't see the problem here. Just a good person getting recognized for the good she does." I shrug, good enough answer. I hold out my hand for my phone. "Oh yeah about that.. Thanks for the phone!" He goes running off with my phone. I go to run after him but Andrew stops me "Does he have your password?" I think for a bit. "No, he doesn't." He shrugs "Don't bother then, you'll just have a spam of pictures of his face that you can use against him." I smirk "I like how you think."

I ignore Shawn for now and take some Tylenol with water. He comes back a few minutes later "Why didn't you chase me?" He asks as he hands me my phone. I open it and scroll through my camera roll "Because, this." He groans "You're too smart." I laugh "Talk to your manager about that part." His eyes widen and he turns around "Andrew I swear t-" I cut him off "Long gone Shawn. Gotcha!" I laugh hard and he rolls his eyes jokingly. "Anyways, Andrew said we need to get ready for that radio interview you talked about last night." He nods and goes off to get dressed as I do the same. I'm ready before him, shocking I know, so I wait down stairs.

He finally comes down "Wanna walk there? It's only ten minutes." I nod and tie my shoes. We start walking and talk about what I am and not allowed to say on air, plus basic questions. We go on like this until it starts lightly raining. "Race you there Shawn!" I start running as fast as I can towards the radio place. He might have long legs but I'm fast and I have a whole lot of determination. Just as I'm about to go in he passes me. I go in after him and he's standing at the door, oh so proudly. I clap slowly "Good job Mendes, you're fast." He smiles and leads me down the hall to the recording room "Hell yeah I am. Thank you." I laugh and sit down across from him.

The interview starts almost immediately "Here in the studio is Shawn Mendes and his medic, Sarah! How are you guys doing?" I stay silent and let Shawn start it off. "We're good, Thanks for having us." She smiles at him and winks. I feel this tug on my heart, what the hell? "So, Sarah, how did you become his medic?" I clear my throat "They reached out to my school just as my class was graduating and I was lucky enough to have my application accepted." Shawn seems distracted and spacey, for god knows what reason. "Any close calls yet? Adrenaline pumping rescues?" I laugh quietly and shake my head even though no one will see it "Not yet and hopefully it stays that way." She turns her attention back to Shawn "How's the tour going so far?" He snaps back to the real world and sits up a bit straighter "Amazing, thanks to the fans. Of course it's always a little bit stressful and tiring but I have a good group of people to get me through it." She asks him a few more questions about his music, touring, and life in general. He answers them all comfortably as I can safely assume he's been asked them many times.

The spotlight is turned back on me. "How's your life Sarah? Hometown? Family?" I think about my answer a bit, it's not all smooth riding at home but I don't wanna let that out to the world. Imagine the controversy that would start, "LA, where seasons don't exist. My parents visit me every few months and my sister is doing studies abroad." She nods "How's work on tour versus your normal job at an office or hospital?" I think back on my clinical years "Very different, it's black and white on tour. Either everyone is sick or injured or we are the picture of health. I gotta say, it's still better than office work. I get to travel around the world!" Shawn chuckles a bit at my answer and I look over at him, smiling. She asks about the hate I've been getting and my heart rate speeds up a bit. I squeeze Shawn's hand lightly in an effort to calm myself down "It comes with being in the public eye. I just hope everyone knows I'm here to help not harm." He leans over and whispers "You answered that perfectly, you're a professional." My confidence slowly comes back and we finish off the interview. I sign my name on the wall, besides big names like Beyoncé and Ed Sheeran. It's still raining outside so I order an Uber for us.

We go back to the hotel and talk about the interview, keeping it a light conversation. "You did fine, just watch the love pour in." I nod and get out, deciding to take the stairs up. I've got nervous jitters to burn off. It takes a decent amount of time to get up the twelve floors but I do it. I sit down and make myself an egg for lunch. I wonder where everyone is. Wait, where's Shawn?

A/N: Thanks for reading and remember to vote and comment! ❤️

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