Chapter 2

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'Soon we will be together. With the power of our love. I will get to you.'


I press my forehead against the window. I move back when I feel the cold glass.

I feel it again with my hand. It's not extremely cold, but it can still make me sick. I don't want to meet America with snot coming from my nose.

I better put on a jacket. Maybe two and my gloves. Also my scarf.

I can't be too safe.

I grab my little swing on hunger games bag and put important things inside like money and my iPod.

I place it on the drawer and put on the necessary clothing.

I wear my favorite shirt with the fries on it covered up with two jackets, my pink thin scarf, my pink gloves, blue skinny jeans and my favorite boots.

I look at my reflection and decide to re braid my hair.

Almost ready. I look through my drawers for anything I can use for a weapon. I mean. I am sneaking out at night.

I find a couple of pencils and pens. I shove them in the little bag, zip it up and put it on.


I can see my America pin on the edge of my drawer. I pick it up and lightly kiss it.


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