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"good morning to you too" Hoseok laughed as he saw yoongi groggily making his way towards the sofa.

"would you like me to order McDonald's again? they have something for breakfast by now"

Yoongi nodding made Hoseok jump and order something while Yoongi opened his phone as he rubbed his eyes.

checking the time he saw 10am and he almost wanted to groan loudly, he wanted to sleep more but at the same time he wanted to come and spend time more with Hoseok.

looking at his calendar on his phone, there- noted as Hoseok's birthday popped, it's just two weeks before it happens, looking at the note below said-

surprise soon.

he smiled to himself remembering Namjoon's words, it actually encouraged him to push through the worries and finally decide how he's gonna do it but of course with the help of some friends.

"it'll be about 20 minutes before it arrives, i'm hungry" Hoseok whined as he sat beside yoongi who kept his phone and leaned on Hoseok.

"do you want to go for a walk, we can come back after it wouldn't take us-" a hand stopped hoseok from rattling on and they got their jackets and he pulled hoseok out of the apartment and walked to the elevator.

"wow that happened quickly" chuckling to himself, hoseok let yoongi drag him till they reached the huge garden near the apartment building.

"it's nice to get some fresh air" they sat on the grass and where roses were planted nearby.

yoongi was amazed at how colorful it was around here, every whip of his head had shown different types of colors and flowers, when you turn right you see yellow, when you turn left you see purple and blue, it made him laugh at how he must look ridiculous whipping his head to a random direction every 5 seconds.



there it was. hoseok and his smooth moves, he finds himself locked in hoseok's arms as he felt the warmness of his embrace making him lean on him more. he was having a huge fanboying moment over one man which he loves.

"you know sometimes I wonder what you sound like? you don't have to say anything now but I'm just curious" he laughs as he stares at the flowers while people also come and inspect them.

"you must sound like a god" making yoongi blush, he looked away and coughed- not that loud but it made hoseok look at him and chuckle at his random actions.

calm the fuck down heart-

interwining their hands out of the blue, yoongi's eyes widened at their hands being the perfect fit for the other, they hadn't held hands yet just some brushes when they pass by.

》》》》》》》 》》》

"shit!" again, suddenly out of nowhere hoseok curses.


yoongi thought as Hoseok quickly stands up and reaches his hand out to help yoongi stand as well.

"the food, how many minutes has it been?"

standing up, yoongi brushed the grass off of his pj's and slowly checked his phone, it showed them that they've been out for almost 30 minutes and the food must be there by now.

"i'm surprised we haven't noticed the time" laughing while running the two looked like absolute idiots.

panting, they reached the front of the apartment building and saw the delivery guy's motorbike, rushing inside they saw the man sitting and talking to the staff.

"so may I know what Mr.Jung Hoseok's room number is?" he politely smiled at the older woman who was eyeing him up and down.

"aaah, he's in room 246 sweetie pie" she winked at him as he remained unbothered but just from watching yoongi and hoseok seemed to pity the kid for experiencing such a disguisting encounter like this.

"hey kid! right here" hoseok raising his hands signaled for the boy to come over.

"mr.jung hoseok is it? nice to meet you sir" bowing, he smiled at hoseok who was amazed at how cheerful and happy this boy must be.

"thanks for bringing it over, sorry for being late" he handed cash to the boy who handed over their meals and drinks.

"thank you sir! but this is more than the total of what you've ordered?"

chuckling at the boy's confused reaction, hoseok patted the boy's shoulder and brushed some dirt off of it.

"you deserve it for remaining unbothered by the beast and by escaping it she was eye raping you kid, you better watch out" smirking at the speechless kid's loading figure, the boy looked behind him and saw the woman wink again.

so innocent.

"stay innocent kid. you just realized it now" he went for the elevator and heard the boy's soft little gasp before rushing out with the money.

"you are so evil but kind at the same time'

yoongi shook his head amused by the events that had happened while he carried their drink to their room.

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