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"so here it is suga hyung, do you like it?" he asked yoongi as they finished touring the small but comfy new home they're gonna get.

totally worth it for two people, and that that view- goddamn.

yoongi was like he could sleep everywhere in here, it was so relaxing and it made him want to doze off any time of the day if he didn't have anything to do.

"so when will your things arrive?" hoseok clapped his hands excitedly and made some cute sounds as he got overly happy.

"later.. is yours here?"

their homes were like just almost an hour away so what would take yoongi's things so slow to arrive? exactly, nothing.

"yup it's right there" pointing behind yoongi.

yoongi looking at where hoseok had pointed were 2 boxes and a big bag where he guesses hoseok kept his clothes and stuff in.

"why didn't you tell me? then I could've gone after you.."

"no no it's alright, it just came a while ago, I wanted you to be the one who will be the first to pick the room" he shrugged looking at yoongi straight in the eyes.

does this man know what he's doing? yoongi was melting whenever hoseok speaks, it's like he becomes soft whenever hoseok says something sweet, this world doesn't deserve this angel.

"suga hyung?" waving a hand infront of the spaced out yoongi.


he was sure he would've stuttered at this moment, he wanted to sound composed and stable not the opposite, but his face says the whole thing..

"are you alright?" wondering why was yoongi so spaced out and out of his self.


trying to hide his blush, he pulled his clothes a little bit up to cover his face but his tummy was exposed, making hoseok look there and turn red himself, not to expose himself, he jumped on the couch and snuggled there.

"w-wow the couch is so c-comfy!" stupid, stupid.

they were both blushing but not one of them wanted to look at one another, hoseok reached for the remote and turned the television on to create some sound around the silent room.

"h-how about you pick a room suga hyung? i'll take the one that's left" he tried to distract yoongi and it seemed to work since yoongi wanted himself out of this situation to prevent humiliating himself.

nodding to the question-like command he went to check the two rooms that were just opposite to one another, taking the one beside the bathroom, yoongi went back to the living room to see hoseok, watching some adventure time.

typing down what he had chosen, yoongi cleared his throat to let hoseok know he was done picking what he wanted and that he was also sure about what he had chosen.

"done already?" hoseok was still red but not that red to even realize, he still felt his face heat up but not that obvious.

"yes, i'll take the one next to the bathroom"

"okay, i'll take the other one then, nice pick though" he tried making the atmosphere have a lighter feeling but it looks like their never ending stare towards each other won't stop anytime soon.


"s-so uhm, what do you want to eat?" not looking away, he stuttered, probably affected by yoongi's stare and his unreadable thoughts.

slowly walking his way towarda hoseok he didn't bother breaking their eye contact nor does he mind answering the question, the only thing running in his mind was, how could be so innocent and hot at the same time.. was he out of his mind?

"h-hyung?" backing away, he crawled backwards till' he hit the end of the side of the couch.

shaking his head, yoongi crawled on top of hoseok and nuzzled his head on hoseok's neck making hobi stop breathing and have a semi-heart attack.

he smells good.

yoongi breathed in and out as he loved the other's scent and he finds it warm in what they have right now, there wasn't any point of stopping now when he literally climbed on top of hoseok.

silently wrapping his arms around hoseok's torso and tightened it at the time hoseok could function.

"hyung are you alright?" softly patting yoongi's head as he laid his other hand on top of yoongi's back.

of course he wouldn't answer.

he laughed at himself as he imagined how cute must it be to hear yoongi talk and laugh together with him, feeling yoongi's breath suddenly hit his neck, he froze. it was too much for his heart to handle and for his insanity to remain.

this is bad..

trying to calm himself, he inhaled and exhaled, making his heart go back to it's normal pace, tilting the other's head slightly, he saw yoongi sleeping. wasn't it just minutes ago when he laid on top of hoseok? it was ridiculously cute how he could fall asleep so easily.

yoongi's forehead exposed to hoseok, it made his heart go back to fanboy mode and his mind was running through different decisions, should he or should he not? he debated whether he should kiss it or not... maybe he should- this is just a lifetime experience.

"it's now or never hoseok-" he kissed yoongi's forehead and immediately looked away, trying to play it cool if ever yoongi wakes up.

and nope he didn't, this time hoseok only stared for another minute before pressing another longer kiss on yoongi's forehead..

"okay maybe another one-" kiss

"another one wouldn't hurt" kiss

"last one" kiss

"i promise this is the last one" kiss

"okay maybe this is the last last one" kiss

he was going back to talking to himself to kissing it again, the action repeats itself until a phone ring interrupts them.

yoongi groaning slightly, hoseok jumps a little and immediately answers the phone.


"yes hello, please call again later but whoever this is i'm having a soft moment- i'll call you back again I promise" fastly speaking hoseok shuts down the caller and places his phone down.

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