Chapter 8.

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~Y/N's POV~


Meh, is my way to describe school. Sure there was the occasional jerk, but it was meh. The entire time I was waiting for it to be over.

Finally it ended. Hallelujah! Praise the lord or Thor or I don't know. Once the bell rang I ran out of the classroom and zoomed through the halls. Sonic who? I don't know him.

I waited for what seemed like hours (it was actually three minutes) at the school doors. I finally saw the one and only Connor Murphy. He studied me, then looked me up and down.

"Socks and sandals? C'mon, Y/N! What the fuck!" He sighed. I looked down at my Birkenstocks. I gave him a playful push.

"Shuddup!" I laughed. He smirked. We started to walk slowly home.

Last night his words kept me awake. 'It didn't mean anything.' Words that taunted me. I stared directly into his eyes but looked away. It felt so painful, everything always has to be painful! Why can't it be all happiness, and rainbows! Don't I deserve happiness, too. It was too simple, I loved- liked- felt something for Connor, yet he felt Or maybe he- no. Nothing ever good happens to me.

"Hey, dork? Hey, dork? You okay?" He asked me. I nodded. "Look, I said I'm fucking sorry about last night." Connor's voice started to rise so I shushed him. He took a deep breath and stared at me. He looked calm- or well, calmer than before.

"Connor! It's- it's okay. I- I think your awesome." We stopped in our tracks. "I'm just hurt. I didn't responded when you- when you- you kissed me because, I was in shock." He looked confused.

"...Me? You think I'm awesome? I'm a freak, a monster, I'm a-"

"Amazing kid. But at the same time Your my light." I stepped closer to him. He was clearly taller than me, I could see it now. He leaned down and his hair fell in my face. Then it happened.

~How do you say, I love you?~

His lip connected with my cheek, and stayed there for a while. He He took his other and touched my cheek. (NOT THAT CHEEK.) My hands ran through his hair and he let out a small, breathy, groan, which caused a smirk to tug at my lips.

"This doesn't mean we're friends." He smiles. I didn't notice it at first but Connor's arm was snaked around my shoulder. I looked at him dead in the eye and maturely said;




Turns out a 'meh' day can become a pretty good one in a few hours. Meh.


I ran into the house after dropping Connor off and screamed. Evan fell off the couch and yelped.

"ARE YOU OKAY!? Y/N DO I NEED TO GET A AMBULANCE!?!" Evan yelled. I quickly apologized and ran over to him. His heart was beating a mile a minute and I hugged him tight.

"No! But guess what~" He furrowed his brows.


"I got a kiss~! Well it was on the cheek but it- Never mind~!"

Here's a life lesson kids, never scream I got a kiss in a home that you think is 'alone.' You will end up with regrets. Especially if your mother is in the kitchen with her 'friend'.

I looked into the kitchen. There my mother was starring at me intently, next to a man. He had some loss for hair and a sports t-shirt on. Also beige khakis, matching Evans.

"Honey-kins! Your home! I would love to hear about your day." She winked. I instantly turned red, I must admit I looked like a tomato with H/C hair. I also instantly cringed at 'honey-kins?' What the fuck mom?

"Hey, mom... who's your... friend?" She looked over to the man.

"This is Mr. Heere." He waved at me.

"Nice to meet you, Kiddo. You must be Y/N." I nodded and stood there awkwardly. "Evan, wanna hang out in my room?" He nodded silently at my question.

I walked up the stairs but skipped the ones that creaked. My room was 2nd on the right.

Upstairs I sat on my bed and talked to Kleinman on Skype. Evan played pac-man on my laptop and sat next to me. The light of the computer lit up our eyes. He just died, again.

"You suck, Evan!" I joked. Jared smirked and looked down. What the hell is going on in his brain?

"That's not the only thing he sucks." I started choking on thin air and Evan turned crimson.

"JARED!" I yelled. My voice was masked by Jared's laughter. He fell out his chair, I just rolled my eyes.

Boys will be boys.

Boys will be gay.

I love my little brother. (And his horny boyfriend.)

85 reads???? Wow. Sorry this was short. It sucked but we needed some romance.



Tall Insomniacs.- (Connor Murphy X  reader)Nơi câu chuyện tồn tại. Hãy khám phá bây giờ