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*Two Years Later*

Lin had gone into remission, and had stayed that way for a while now. He was extremely happy to feel himself and even gotten back into writing. Books this time. No more musicals.

Vanessa was happy to see his cancer almost gone. The doctors assured them that everything would be just fine for them. So she never changed the amount of love she gave him. More and more everyday.

Steve was back at home with his family, learning more and more about Christine everyday. He was madly in love with Pippa still and couldn't wait to meet their newest addition.

Pippa was still at home, carrying their second child. She was excited to meet the new baby, but couldn't help but have bitter sweet feelings about it all. No one blamed her of course.

"Lin, let's go! We're going to be late for the party." Vanessa laughed at her husband.

"I'm coming! I'm coming!" He chuckled while slipping on his jacket. "It's only a little party with family. We can be late." He smirked.

"We can't be hours late. Now let's go." She smiled.

It was summer time, everyone enjoying life and having a glorious time. There was a little party for the celebration of summer in one of the parks outside of the city. All of the family and friends would be there.

"I can't believe you're pregnant again!" Vanessa squealed when she saw Pippa. She was four months along and was already showing a bit.

"I know! We tried when Christine was around one, but that didn't work." Pippa laughed. "But now is good too." She smiled.

"How many...?" Vanessa frowned.

"None. Just couldn't time it right." Pippa smiled at her. "I guess we just need to focus on life and it'll just happen." She laughed. Vanessa shook her head and gave her friend a hug.

"Mommy! Mommy!" Both mothers turned their heads towards the sound and saw little Christine running towards Pippa.

"Gosh she looks so much like you!" Vanessa gasped. Christine smiled at her, her cheeks flushing red when she got closer. "Hey little girl! How are you today?" She asked.

"Good." Christine giggled while hiding behind her mother's legs. Her little hand reached up towards her head and she ran her fingers through her hair.

The party was in full swing. Everyone was having a good time talking and catching up with one another. Lin was talking with some former cast mates and had a grand time with them, until a little something had caught his eye. He glanced over to see Francisco playing with Christine. He couldn't help but think it was adorable.


"I think today was a great time. What do you think?" Lin asked Vanessa while they got ready for bed.

"I think it was too. It was a great idea on everyone's part to do something like that." Vanessa smiled.

"It was." He yawned. "Always good to have a get together with friends and family." He smiled.

Both of them decided to turn in, knowing that everything was going to be fine. Life for them had so much more in store for them and it was going to be perfect.

On the other side of the town, more further away from the city, the Soosquale family was still up and fighting their very hyper daughter.

"Please Christine... Please go to sleep for mommy." Pippa groaned.

"No!" She giggled while bouncing on the bed.

"I told you she would be hyper tonight." Pippa groaned at Steven. He nodded, knowing that letting a child watch an action movie then eat ice cream wasn't the best ideas.

"Well... She gave me the puppy eyes." He frowned. "Couldn't resist." He chuckled. Pippa shook her head and ended up sitting on the little toddler bed with Christine.

"You should sleep. I'll stay up with her." Pippa mumbled.

"Just because I have a show tomorrow doesn't mean I can't stay up with her. You're the one who should be sleeping." He frowned.

"Steve, please don't fight me on this. I'll get her to sleep soon." She said while looking back at their hyper daughter. Steve let out a sigh, hoping she could. This was one hyperactive child...

"Mommy! Watch me bounce!" She giggled while bouncing. Pippa shook her head and pulled her phone from her pocket. Christine saw that her mom wasn't paying attention to her and slowly stopped bouncing. "Mommy!" She whined. "You hafta watch me." She pouted.

"Oh, I'm sorry. I didn't know you wanted me to watch you." Pippa faked. "You know, since you weren't listening to me or daddy." She frowned. Christine gave her an angry face and Pippa gave her a stern one. "Santa won't like how you're acting right now." Pippa said calmly.

"No!" Christine gasped and sat down on the bed.

"Good. Now please, go to sleep." Pippa smiled while standing up. She tucked her daughter in and reached for the little lamp next to her bed.

"Mommy?" Christine whispered.

"Yes sweetie?" Pippa whispered back at her.

"When I get a sister?" She asked.

"You'll get a little brother or sister soon enough Christine. Just get some sleep." Pippa kissed her daughter's forehead and turned off the little lamp. She hoped she could handle two kids, but Christine seemed excited when they told her. That's all she cared about all of the time now.

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