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People were brought in for casting, the musical was pitched and taken quickly. Everyone had loved it. Word was spreading like wildfire at this point. People learning quickly of the new musical being made.

Lin posting vague things about it on Twitter. Pippa posting a pic of the script with the title covered and colored over. The only thing people could see was her name and a few other things letting people know she was acting again.

So many rumors in such a little amount of time.

"People are freaking out over this Lin!" Dave smiled while scrolling through his phone.

"I know! The press is amazing. And we've only given like a little bit of information." Lin smiled while looking through the press articles on his laptop.

"I can't wait to start!" Pippa squealed.

All of them were excited. They had the rehearsal space set up and now all they needed was a fully fledged cast. They had most of the ensemble done, but finding people that fit the main characters' personality wise was a bit of a challenge for them.

"Do you think we'll find more people?" Lin asked quietly.

"I'm sure we will. Just have to advertise it." Dave smiled. "And of course, attract just the right people." He winked at Pippa.

"Hey, I try my best." She laughed.


As the days continued, the creative team had seen multiple people. All were incredibly talented, but didn't quite click with their parts. Pippa scrolled through the list of applicants and groaned when she saw their theatrical backgrounds.

"Anything?" Lin frowned.

"Unless you want to deal with people who are probably going to think they're overly qualified for the role... no." She sighed while shutting the laptop.

"Too bad we can't go for a younger cast." Dave sighed.

"I know." Lin frowned. "I'll call some people. See what we can do." He smiled.

"Sounds like a plan." Dave laughed.


The cast had finally been picked and finalized. With the help of their connections, they were able to advertise to the right demographic and pulled in some great actors and actresses.

Rehearsals were even beginning to roll as well. Steve hardly saw Pippa before his shows. But she would meet him during intermission and bring dinner.

Vanessa smiled at Lin when he would get in for the night. He would walk in with the biggest smile on his face and just vomit all of the events of the day on her. She just loved how excited he was for this show.

"I'm glad you're finally getting it rolling. I'm surprised it only took almost two years to write, draft and script." Vanessa smiled at him.

"Well, I had more help this time than I did with Hamilton. I had you, Dave, Pip, Alex, and I'm sure Steve was helping Pip with it at home too." Lin laughed while holding his wife in his arms. "I'm just happy that we'll get to show soon. I really can't wait." He whispered.

"I can't either." She said while resting her forehead against his.


"How many days until previews?" Steve smiled at Pippa as he worked with his hair during intermission.

"I'm not sure." Pippa laughed. "I know we're aiming for next year. It's a lot to remember." She sighed.

"You can handle it." Steve winked at her through the mirror. "I know you."

"I know you too." She pointed.

Pippa smiled at her husband, knowing that they were both doing everything in their power to keep themselves alive at this point.

Steve saw the hurt back in Pippa's eyes when he brought up adopting. It would usually take a week for her to bounce back, and even then, it looked forced. He just hoped that this show would perk her up a bit.

Pippa didn't want to adopt just yet. She didn't know what life had in store for her with this show. She didn't know what was going to happen and she wanted life to be stable enough for her to even begin the mental preparation for that.


Dave sat at his small desk, his hands running through his hair as the director read through the script. Following along with his lines. He was spot on perfect. He should've been, he wrote his own monologue.

"Perfect!" The Director smiled.

"Was it?" He chuckled.

"I almost started crying." He frowned. "And that's a good thing. It's gold. If we can get them crying within the first ten minutes, that'll be a new record." He smiled.

"That'll be our job?" Lin laughed while looking at Pippa. She gave him an overly dramatic high five and laughed with him.

"Heck yeah it'll be our job!" She smiled.

"Remember! We need them crying before the end of Pippa's monologue." The director reminded.

"Done." Lin laughed.

"Hey, save some thunder for me." Pippa said while nudging his side lightly.

"Why can't I make them cry?! I make it sound worse." Dave laughed without getting up.

"By all means, you can. Make a game of it." Their director laughed. The trio looked at one another and nodded in agreement. The mental approval of making it a game now. To see who could make majority of the audience cry first.

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