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Opening night. They had done successful previews and had the space. It was amazing. Pippa's nerves were getting the best of her as the night grew closer and closer.

"You'll be okay." Steve whispered.

"I feel like I'm going to be sick." She whispered.

"It's going to be okay. You did great during previews." He smiled. She nodded but still refused to get out of bed. "You should get out of bed soon." He chuckled.

"I probably should." She sighed.


Everyone was hyped up at the theatre. Lin was still in pain, but was able to pull through long enough for tonight. He couldn't let fans down. The show was already a hit success and they hadn't even officially opened yet.

"Are we ready?" Lin asked while knocking on Pippa's dressing room door.

"Ready as I'll ever be." She mumbled while walking out in her costume.

"You look pale." He frowned. "Are you alright?"

"I just don't feel to well... My nerves are going to get the best of me tonight. I can feel it." She frowned. Lin gave her a light hug, hoping it would make her feel better.

"You'll do great tonight." He smiled. "And I'm going to make them cry first." He smirked.

"In your dreams Miranda." She laughed.


The audience sat, waiting for the curtains to rise. No one knew what was going to happen exactly. Some had seen previews and would keep their mouths shut about the entire ordeal.

"You all are going to be great." The director whispered to them. The trio nodded, Lin looking towards his best friends, Dave giving him a small hug. Pippa laughed at the two and joined in their hug.

They got to places, Pippa with her stage husband on the second floor. She smiled at him and held her hand.

"You'll be great." Her stage husband, Tyrese, smiled at her.

"You will too." She whispered.

Soon the curtains raised, the audience erupting with applause as the stage slowly came to life. Dave's character came to life on stage. First floor, stage right.

Sitting at his desk, his hands ran through his hair. A pen fell from his hand, a loud sigh slipped from his mouth as he picked it back up. His head slowly lifted up, his hand covering his mouth before he spoke. He stroked his little beard and looked to the audience.

"The man sat there, afraid of what was going to happen next." He began. "Afraid of what would happen if he decided to move forward. Writing a play? Easy. Anyone can do it." He scoffed while standing from his seat. "Anyone can pull off a musical." He chuckled. "But to write something so profound. Something that everyone will love and relate to. Something that can have them escape... Now that is something not everyone can do." He said while pointing at a small sculpture that sat on his desk. "I may be at rock bottom. I've written some things, dabbled in the arts. And where did it get me?" He frowned. "It got me home." He whispered.

The audience was a little taken back, watching him stand there. Yes, musicals usually had an outstanding opening number, but this was a tad bit different..

"While some of us may be sitting in the gutter, thinking all is lost and hopeless." He said quietly. "Some of us, are looking towards the stars."

Right as he finished his line, his spotlight went out, and shone on Lin. He was on the first floor, stage left, focusing on the article in his hands. He set it down on the small table and took a step to the side.

"Stars. Stars are little balls of gas. Ticking time bombs that'll see their end. Exploding in space making no noise.. Leaving no trace there ever was a star there in the first place.." He frowned. "We are all stars aren't we? Seeing, feeling, believing. Making a difference in the world in one way or another." He continued. He leaned back on a wall behind him and crossed his arms over his chest. "Life. A game that people play with. A thing people do not cherish until they realize it's too late." He sighed. "Life. We think there is little to celebrate. But we know that it is an entire thing to celebrate. We have birthdays, ceremonies... But mainly birthdays to celebrate." He smiled. "The more we begin to celebrate life... The more reasons we find to live." He finished.

The light once again left Lin, and finally shone on Pippa. She was leaning on the rail in front of her looking out at the audience.

"Life. A funny word that is." She began. "The one thing that can both be given and taken." She frowned. "Too many times was I able to have the ability to give life to somebody... And too many times... I had it taken from me." Her lip quivered, she was about to break in her monologue. Break character completely. She felt a hand on her back and looked to see Tyrese there to comfort her. "I see so many couples alive and happy with their children. So many people expecting. And what do I get? Nothing." She sighed. "I know my time will come. And when it does, I know that the love I have will never die for my child." She whispered.

Once they finished, the music began and the opening number began. It started slow, feeding off of the energy from the opening scene. Slowly playing faster, causing more to happen on stage.

To the audience, they saw them moving backwards. Backdrops changing, singing was still going on, but their lives were only just beginning....

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