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News traveled fast about Pip. Especially since she had to deliver a stillborn. Lin tweeted something meaningful about how life was some cruel place but had its beauty. Of course, it was before he found out about what happened and he regretted it. Instantly deleting it and redoing the tweet to something else. Steven posted a small tweet about how he loved Pippa no matter what happened in their lives.

So of course, people started talking.

"People are very... Demanding..." Lin sighed while scrolling through his phone. Seeing the replies to their tweets.

"What are you going to do?" Vanessa frowned.

"I mean, I could do something to distract everyone away from Steve and Pip... They don't need anyone bothering them right now.." He shrugged. Vanessa nodded, thinking it was an alright idea..

"But your hair.. People are going to notice." She pointed.

"Then the world can talk about my condition. I'll always have this. And it's apart of me now. Pippa isn't ready for anything like this..." He frowned.

"You're like a very protective best friend to her." Vanessa laughed.

"As the kids say, she's a precious cinnamon roll too good for this earth. We must protect her at all costs." He smirked.


Pippa stayed in bed, staring at the photos they had from the delivery. She hated staring at them, but she couldn't help it.

"Pippa..." Steve whispered.

"I'm not getting out of bed. I'm in pain and I don't want to do anything." She had said the same thing for the past two days. Her pain may not have been physical anymore... But mentally she was dying.

"I'm not asking you to get out of bed... I need you to eat something... Please." He frowned.

"I'm not hungry." She frowned.

"You haven't eaten since—"

"Since I had the dead kid I know!" She yelled. "I'm not hungry. Just fucking accept it Steven." She growled. His eyes widened at her swearing. He had heard her swear, but never like that... it took a second to register in Pip's mind, and she started crying. "I'm sorry." She sobbed "I'm so sorry..."

"It's okay.." Steve sighed while walking closer to her. He sat on the bed with her and tried his best to comfort her. "I love you." He said while embracing her.

"Why do you love me?" She cried. "I can't even keep a kid." She sobbed.

"Phillipa." Steven frowned. "I love you no matter what. I married you because I loved you. I'm not going to hate you just because you can't keep a kid. If anything we can adopt if we really want a baby." He whispered.

"Are you sure?" She sniffed.

"Yes. I'm positive." He smiled. Pippa nodded, feeling awful about the entire thing still. "I promise once you feel up to it, we can talk about it more."

"Thank you." She whispered.


Lin sat at his little office desk, watching the video upload onto Twitter and YouTube. He had created the perfect video, and of course had his thanks to give to everyone.

Once it was uploaded he watched himself on the laptop.

"Hello Everyone. Um. I know it's been a very long time since I've done anything with a camera. Besides taking photos of Tobi and everything else. But I have some news for all of you." Computer Lin started. "I've been diagnosed with pancreatic cancer and I have been dealing with that for about seven months now." He explained. "I'm very grateful that it's currently in remission and I'm able to do what I need to do in life. I'm also very grateful that I've had such an amazing support system. My wife, family and friends have been wonderful to me and I can't thank them enough." He smiled. "But thank you to all of you for being such amazing people. Until next time!"

Lin felt himself tearing up as he watched himself on the laptop. He couldn't help it. Wanting to just give everyone a hug.

"You did good." Vanessa smiled while kissing his temple.

"Thanks. I just hope it'll distract everyone long enough for Pip and Steve to have the proper mourning time they need by themselves." He whispered.

"They will." Vanessa smiled. "Both of them are already very private people already."

"Mommy, Daddy?" Both of them looked down to see Fransisco smiling at them. He was wearing his church clothes, all backwards and messy.

"What's up buddy?" Lin laughed.

"Can I go on a date with Pippa now?" He asked.

"Oh buddy.. There is so much you have to learn before going on a date." Vanessa laughed.

"Yeah! You have to wear matching socks first." Lin pointed. Fransisco looked down at his socks and started giggling. "And your shirt is backwards! You need to clean up!"

"And you have to ask her on a date first." Vanessa laughed. "I'll ask her for you tomorrow. Right now you need to go change out of church clothes." She smiled.

"Okay!" He grinned.

Lin watched Vanessa follow their son back into his room and he couldn't help but laugh. His son was so in love with Pippa. It was very cute really.

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