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Vanessa had woken up earlier than Lin, which was unusual. He was usually the one to wake up and have everything on the move already. She frowned at the sight of him still in bed, hoping he wasn't falling ill again.

"Why isn't daddy up yet?" Sebastian asked Vanessa while they set up his trains.

"I'm not sure. He said he was very tired so, we have to be quiet." She said quietly. Sebastian nodded, looking back at his train tracks.

She worried for him, thinking that he was going run himself in the ground again. So she had to make sure that he wouldn't do such a thing. She loved him too much to do something like that to him.

When Lin did wake up, he felt exhausted. He knew he had gotten a decent amount of sleep, but he felt as if he had gotten hit by a truck while he slept. His body felt weak, his head was pounding, and his stomach felt as if someone had just punched him in the gut multiple times. He hadn't drank, hadn't done anything to cause any of this. So he stayed in bed, trying to relax. Vanessa had taken the kids to daycare so he could do that. At least until they got back from daycare.


Steve had an off day and was finally excited to sleep in for once. Pippa was curled up next to him, whimpering in her sleep. He frowned as he watched her face twitch in her sleep. Her arms were crossed over her stomach, clutching onto it tightly.

"Pip..." Steve said quietly. "Hey..." he whispered. "What's wrong?" He frowned while brushing a few strands of hair from her face.

"It hurts." She winced.

"What hurts?" He asked. She shook her head, slowly rolling over in the bed, forcing herself to get up and out of bed. "Pip?" He watched her run into the bathroom, hand covering her mouth as she ran in. He heard the familiar noises of her vomiting into the toilet. His heart broke for her as he walked into the bathroom. He pulled back her hair and waited until she finished to talk to her again.

"Why does it hurt so much...?" She whimpered.

"I'm not sure.." He frowned. Pippa heaved again, throwing her body closer to the toilet bowl once again. Steve looked down at her legs and noticed something very unusual... "Uh... Pip...?" He frowned.


Lin stayed in bed most of the day, hoping his body would work with him. But it wasn't. He had never felt so exhausted before in his life. Not even with Hamilton. Doing eight shows a week, press, and rehearsals; he still never felt this tired.

"I need to get out of bed." He mumbled to himself. "Get out of bed.... Now!" He sighed. But nothing. His motivation to get out of bed was gone. He groaned at the sound of his phone vibrating, more than likely twitter notifications. Even that sounded like a chore. And he usually loved seeing people tweet nice things.

After a good two and a half hours, he finally checked his phone. Only to see a very busy group chat being built up on his lock screen.

"What in the world..." He mumbled while turning the brightness down on his phone. He unlocked it and brought up the messages.

Steven P: At the hospital with Pip again. Prayers appreciated.

Jasmine J: Is she alright?! Give us updates!

Steven P: It's not looking good...

Lin now felt even worse. The group chat had Jasmine, Vanessa, Steve and himself in it. He wondered what was going on. He knew Pippa was dealing with some pretty bad morning sickness, but he didn't think she would have to go back to the hospital for it.

Lin M: I hope she is okay. Please do keep us posted.

He set his phone back down, closing his eyes once again. Even though he turned down the brightness, it was still killing him to stare at the dim screen. He wanted to call and ask more questions, but he couldn't bring himself to do so. It was like there was a giant wall in front of him, with no help from anything. And no way around it or over it.

"I need to eat something..." he sighed. That finally got him out of bed. "I'll feel better if I eat." He mumbled to himself. Hoping that was just the problem. It was almost one in the afternoon. The latest he had ever slept in a very long time. In fact, he couldn't even remember the last time he slept in like that. He was always so busy, and very much on the go the minute he stepped into the theatre world.

He dragged his feet all throughout the apartment, right into the kitchen. Throwing open the fridge door and settling on string cheese until he could actually make something for himself. He found himself wanting cereal, something he hadn't eaten in a while, so he did just that.

Sitting at the table, eating his cereal, he had gotten the worst news he could ever get from a friend.

Steven P: Pippa lost the baby.

Lin nearly spat out his cereal reading the last text. He felt awful knowing this... He could only imagine how she was reacting to all of this. Especially when he saw how excited and happy she was when she found out.

"Oh my..." He frowned. It was like all of his pain went away though... He was more focused on his friend now, rather than himself. Of course he convinced himself that it was just the food that was finally in his system. But the pain was still there in the back of his mind.

It just wasn't important to him right now...

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