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Another month flew by, summer slowly drawing itself to autumn, warning everyone that winter was soon approaching. Everyone smiled at the change and loved this time of year. The time of change.

"I think last night was a success." Steven whispered to Pippa when both of them woke up in the morning.

"You need to stop yelling." Pippa muttered to him.

"I'm not yelling." Steven chuckled quietly. "You drank an awful lot last night." He smirked.

"So did you. How are you not hungover." She frowned.

"I ate a bit more than you." He winked. "I do think my favorite part about the whole thing was what we did in this bed." He smirked.

"Please don't." Pippa laughed. "Ow." She frowned while grabbing her head. "I think I need to throw up." She frowned.

"Just the alcohol taking over your brain." Steve whispered. "How about you relax today. Don't do anything." He kissed her forehead, letting her stay in bed all day. It was a rare day off for him, so he planned on doing everything for her.


"Sebastian! No! You're going to be late to school!" Lin frowned while trying to chase his son around the apartment.

"But I need it for show and tell!" He frowned.

"Next time buddy." Lin sighed while taking the award back. "How about this instead." He said while handing him a picture of Seb and his cousins from Puerto Rico.

"Dad. No one cares about family at school." He groaned.

"Well then I guess you have nothing for show and tell then." He scoffed. "Family is important you know!" He pointed.

"I know daddy! But I need to be better than everyone else!" He complained. Lin rolled his eyes, seeing the competitiveness come out of his son scared him, but he knew it came from him.

"Let's just get you to school." He sighed.

The two finally made it to the little elementary school and Sebastian was walked to his class by his father. Everyone waved at him as he walked by, seeing how happy they were together.

"Have fun at school buddy." Lin smiled.

"I will Daddy!" Sebastian smiled while hugging him. "Bye!" He ran off inside his class and Lin walked out of the school building. First grade. Sebastian was going to be gone for all day now. No more half days. And before he knew it, Fransisco would be in school next year for kindergarten.

Everything was exciting for him. At least he would be able to see the most important milestones.


"So, we were thinking maybe having this character, fall in love?" Dave frowned.

"Sure, sure." Lin nodded.

"But with who?" Alex frowned. Writing scenes was hard enough when things didn't fit into place. But this musical was missing something and they couldn't quite place it. So Lin did what he did best.

"What are you doing?" Dave asked Lin.

"Getting renforcements." He said while placing his phone on the table. The sound of the rings were loud due to it being on speaker.

"Hello?" A groggy voice answered.

"Pipsy! How are you?" He asked, cheerful as always.

"Hungover and very much sick. You?" She answered softly. Dave stifled a laugh, knowing how Pippa could drink. Alex just shook his head while covering his eyes with his hand.

"I'm well... Look... I was wondering if you could help me with something... When you're better of course." He said casually.

"What am I helping with?" She yawned.

"I'm working on a new musical, and it may need a woman's touch. I'll be asking Vanessa to help tonight as well." He explained.

"Sure. Maybe tomorrow though... Today isn't a good day." Her voice turned into a small whisper at the end, causing Dave to smile even more.

"Sure! Alright, take it easy." Lin said. Once the call ended, Dave broke out into a fit of laughter. "What is so funny?" Lin laughed.

"Pippa being hungover. I've seen her like that when we were on Comet together." He smirked. "Not a sight to see." He chuckled.

"I can imagine." Alex smiled.


Pippa eventually left the bedroom when her headache had finally subsided. She still felt sick, but well enough to hang out with Steve in the living room.

"You look a lot better now." Steve smiled at her.

"I feel a lot better. Thank you for helping me." She whispered.

"Are you hungry?" He asked her. She nodded slowly, waiting for another question. "I'll make you something to eat then." He kissed her temple and walked into the kitchen. "You know, I'm thinking you should eat something unhealthy for breakfast."

"How so?" Pippa frowned.

"I'm thinking... Cinnamon roll pancakes." He smirked.

"That means I'll have to make them. You don't know how." Pippa sighed.

"You could always teach me." He winked. Pippa smiled and shook her head. She loved this man so much but he couldn't ever learn to cook.

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