I'm sorry, Did you say I was a Baby?

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Addy woke up to find she was warm. She thought about it. She didn't think this was right. Shouldn't she be cold? Is she dead? That seemed to be the only answer. She opened her eyes to see that she seemed to be indoors. She looked around and saw that thick bars surrounded her. Why was she in a cage? She looked down to see that she was in different clothes than what she was in yesterday. Who changed her? And why were they clothes that looked to be for babies? Wait....What was that feeling. She moved her but. It for some reason felt soft. She felt and it seems to be thicker....SHE WAS WEARING A DIAPER!!!! WHY WAS SHE WEARING A DIAPER?!?!? 

It was at this moment that the man from the car walked into the room, "Good morning baby! how did you sleep?" 

Addy didnt like how he was looking at her. She also didnt like when he called her a baby. She kept quiet though, because he clearly already did something to her. 

"Aww, Really? The silent treatment? I guess I deserve that. Lets get you out of bed and dressed, then I will explain what is going on." He unlocked the top of the cage thing and reached for her. Addy shyed away, not sure what was going on. He shook his head and grabbed her pulling her out. 

He carried her towards the changing table that was placed on the siade of the room. As she looked around she realized this was very similar to that of a baby. Why was she in a room for a baby? He layed her lown on the mat and began to take of the fluffy pants. This Got Addy's attention. "NO! DON'T YOU DARE TOUCH ME!!lET GO OF ME AND MOVE! " The man didnt like that very much, but neverthe less stopped undressing her and picked her up carriend her to the only chair in the room. 

"Now Addy, that was not a very nice thing to say to Daddy, but since you don't know the rules yet, I will let you off with a warning. Now, Let daddy chack your diapey" The man went once agin toward the pants and Addy slapped his hand. This brought fury to the man's eyes. " Addy, I just told you to not do that. I think someone earned a punishment." What the fuck did that mean?

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