Two-Way Note #9

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*Suga's POV*

It's 6am and I am waiting in an airport for Y/N to arrive. She should be coming off this plane, then we'll go buy some supplies for the surprise

Sitting there, I begin to daze off into a sleep-like state. When will she get here? My eyes slowly begin to close, one second at a time, until I'm slouched there sleeping with my hand propping up my head.

Looking up, I see a clear ocean beating against white sand with the orange and pink sky complimenting it perfectly. I look to my left and see a beautiful blue-haired woman walking toward me holding a coconut. Turning to look at her more, I see her legs next to my face. Making me look up, she crouches down and hands me the coconut. At this point, I am not focused on the drink, but by her swimwear. Like, dang, isn't that cold? A heavy, cold breeze blew from the ocean and gave me goosebumps. Groaning, I pull my legs up to my chest. The more I tried to fight it, the cold grew more and more, making it impossible to relax.

"Hey. Hey~ Wake up sleepy~" a voice cooed, causing me to look around.

A sudden rush of wet hit me, snapping me out of my dream. Jumping up, I look around quickly, but soon realize what it was. Before me was the woman that i'd been waiting for.

"Y/N!" I say happily while jumping up with my arms outspread.

"Hey Bud," She responds, trying to not cause a commotion by saying his name out loud. "Nice to see you!"

"Nice to see you too Y/N. We ready to go?"

She looks behind her. "I'm waiting for Snowflake to get unloaded from the plane, an for the luggage to get on the belt then we'll be set."

*Your POV*

A few minutes later

I see my luggage and grab it before it gets scooted away. Suga looks over my shoulder, trying to see when the dog gets in. Pretty soon, Suga shakes my shoulder lightly and points to the pets that are getting loaded inside.

I instantly know which one is Snowflake, as she was the biggest dog on the plane to be loaded. I walk over and get her, then proceed to the door, with Suga following me like I will get abducted if I get more than a foot away from him.

"So, where are we going?" I ask Suga, looking back at him out of the corner of my eye.

"We needa get some stuff." He replied vaguely, making me quirk my eyebrow slightly.

"Alright, I say," Placing my Luggage in the back of his car. "how far is is? Snowflake needs a walk, so if you want, we can walk there."

Suga pointed across the highway, "Right over there."

Nodding, I close the trunk of the car and walk start walking.

Once we get there, Suga goes inside of this huge superstore. I stay outside with Snowflake because you can't bring pets inside. I can't believe I'm actually in Korea right now getting ready to move in with them! Excitedly, I impatiently bounce on my heels hoping that he will get done soon.

After about 30 minutes, I see him appear once more, watching the sliding door open and close, a bag in his hand.

"ready?" I ask him, switching hands because Snowflake switched sides on her leash, almost knocking me over.

"yeah, let's go Y/N," Suga said, walking back to the car. "Namjoon will love this surprise, trust me."


Omg, so sorry for not updating in like a year XD

I feel so bad. I needa get on wattpad more often. I never thought so many of you would like and read my stories!

I love all of you, you guys are the best

hope you enjoyed this long-awaited chapter

Admin E, out~!

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⏰ Last updated: Jan 03, 2019 ⏰

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