Two-Way Note #6

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*Namjoon's POV*

"Why did we actually buy jam guys?" I ask Jimin, J-Hope, and V.

"You said Jimin had no jams, so we got some!" J-Hope responded with his usual happy attitude.

"Actually, we needed some jam..." V commented.

"Really?" I ask, my eyes widening.

"Yeah, Suga told me yesterday that Jin ate all of it." V explained as I turned off the car's ignition.

"Wow, I honestly thought you were just trying to waste money." Jimin said, smiling at the others.

"I am not that weird, no matter how much you think I am." V quickly shot back.

"Are we there yet?" J-Hope yelled, breaking the conversation about jam.

"Yes, we have been here for five minutes already." I said and looked back to see J-Hope's amazed face, while Jimin just looked out the window and waved to the neighbor, who was walking by.

"OH!" V exclaimed. "Let's go inside then!"

All four boys get out of the truck casually, well, except for J-Hope. He ended up jumping out of the car and made some weird noise while doing so. Everyone just chuckled at him and walked inside the dorm, only to find it empty. A note was stuck to the counter, which said:

We're meeting with the Manager and totally not getting food. ~Jin

"I bet they're getting food." Jimin said with a pout on his face.

"In the middle of the afternoon?" I ask him, raising an eyebrow, questioning his sanity.

"Yeah, you know Jin and his food." He responded back, picking up the note and throwing it away.

"Fair enough." I say as I head to the couch and pick up one of my books, trying to read some more.

*POV of Jin, Suga, and Jungkook*

After making their way through the crowd of raging fan-girls, Suga pulled out his phone and began texting Y/N.

S: Hey Y/N, are you still awake?

Y/N: Yeah, why do you ask?

S: How would you like to come and live with Namjoon and the rest of BTS in our dorm?


S: Yup, wanna come?

Y/N: Of course I do, but I don't want to get you in trouble. Plus, I couldn't ever leave Snowflake behind, that would break my heart.

S: Who is Snowflake?

Y/N:  Snowflake is my lovable, adorable,fuzzy, husky.

S: Cool! I'll ask the manager if you can bring Snowflake to the dorm or not. Brb again!

Y/N: Alright!

Suga pulled up the managers number and called him, still walking with the other two members of BTS to their dorm.


"Hey manager. Can Y/N bring her dog to the dorm too? It'd liven up the dorm a little more and maybe tire J-Hope out for once."

"I guess, but make sure you guys are not covered in dog fur right before your concerts."

"Sweet! Thanks! Bye!" Suga chimed right before hanging up. He then pulled up Y/N's number and continued texting her.

S: It's cool with the manager if you want to come to Korea and live with us in your dorm.

Y/N: Can I bring Snowflake?

S: Yes you can, so have you made up your mind?


S: Cool. We'll pay for your flight, and it leaves in two days. That gives you enough time to say your goodbyes and arrange for the stuff you can't take with you to be shipped to our dorm.

Y/N: I'll start right now! Thank you so much Suga!

S: No problem. Text me if you have any questions.

Y/N: I will, don't worry! :D

S: Oh, can you keep this a secret from Namjoon too? It's a surprise for him.

Y/N: That I can do. TTYL Suga!

S: Bye!

Suga casually put his phone away, spun around to face the boys behind him, and stopped.

"So, what are we doing?" Jin asked curiously.

"Y/N is coming to live with us, along with her dog in two days!" Suga exclaimed excitedly.

"YAY!" Jungkook yelled and hoped up and down a few times being the adorable bunny he is.

The boys walk up to the door, open it, and look at the scene that lies before them in amusement.

Hey guys!

Sorry I have taken so long to get this chapter up... :(

School has been really rough so far and being head over sneakers in love with my crush is kinda hard to deal with.

I will try to write more whenever I can!

I will do it for the readers!

Also, the new BTS album is amazing in my opinion! <3

My favorite track is probably 'Mic-Drop', 'Pied-Piper', or 'Go Go'

Okay, I'm going to go work on more homework now...


*Admin E*

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