Two-Way Note #5

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Okay, so this chapter idea was given to me by "Admin A," but I decided to write it!
Also, the pictures aren't mine once again.


*Namjoon's POV*

I stared at my phone smiling like a complete idiot as I texted to Y/N. We were talking about which BTS song was the best, but we didn't have the same opinion. I thought "No More Dream," was the best, while she though "Butterfly," was better. Either way, I am still grateful  that I have her in my life and that I can talk to her sometimes, even if one of us are normally up in the middle of the night.

"I love youuuuu~!" Y/N wrote.

"I luv you too Y/N! <3" I wrote back and set my phone on the couch.

"I guess ill try to read," I mumbled to myself and opened a random book.

Ugh, now Jhope is doing his excited little shriek, but I will at least read 10 chapters today.


*The Rest of BTS's POV*

"What's got him so happy?" Jin asks quietly to the rest of the group while looking at Rap Monster from the kitchen.

"Maybe he's just in a good mood?" Jungkook asked kinda confused.

"There's no way it's just a good mood, he doesn't smile like an idiot in love when he's in a good mood normally." Suga said with a bored look on his face.

"I think it's because of his phone..." Jimin trailed off in thought as he watched Namjoon from afar.

"Wait, Suga and Jimin are right. He's only smiling while on his phone and after he sets it down." V butted in.

"Let's steal his phone and figure out why he's so happy!" Jhope Whisper yelled, making everyone shush him at the same time.

"That isn't a bad idea Jhope," V said with a grin on his face.

"Alright! Ill take V and Jimin to distract him, and hopefully he leaves his phone on the couch." Jhope states excitedly while trying to retain his energy.

"Go ahead and explode here before you blow our cover on the plan," Suga says again as he watches with amusement. "but first, you're the only one who knows his password Hobbi, so tell us. Then we can put the phone back where it was once we figure out why he's been smiling like an idiot."

"122402," he says while still shaking from excitement. "can I explode now?"

"Sure," Suga says bracing himself.

Everyone in the room plugged their ears or did some form of preparing themselves before it happened.

Jhope let out his exited laugh screech and started doing some form of happy dance. He ended up bouncing around while waving his arms left and right through the air. Soon, he calmed down and they all set their plan in motion.


*Namjoon's POV*

I was quietly reading, but then Jhope, V, and Jimin came over to the couch to bother me.

V and Jimin sat on both sides of me, while Jhope casually was behind me.

"Attack!" Jhope screeched, as they all started annoying me.

V started doing weird faces on my left side while whispering "hi," over and over, as Jhope started making monkey sounds and messing up my hair. Jimin took my book away and set it down on the coffee table, then started viciously tickling my side.

Two-Way Note (Namjoon x Reader)Where stories live. Discover now