Two-Way Note #7

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*Namjoon's POV*

Opening up my one of my random books, I started reading about a forbidden love story.

The girl was locked away in the dungeons of the castle, and the prince couldn't find her anywhere in the town. He searched every nook and cranny, interrogated any person who knew the woman, and yet still couldn't find a single clue except the pendant he had given her lay carelessly on the floor with a broken chain.

"Hmm, interesting," came a familiar voice right next to my ear, making me jump at the feeling of their warm breath. "I wonder why you have a story like this Namjoon. I don't ever remember you enjoying these kinds of novels."

"V, go away. I just happened to pick up a few random books on my way home from practice one day." I respond back, internally wishing he'd move his head away from my ear.

"YAH! WHAT ARE YOU DOING!?" I hear J-Hope yell before I feel the couch dip beside me as a J-Hope falls on it, landing with his head almost touching the floor and a Jimin looking worriedly over the back of the couch at the wild J-Hope.

"I just wanted to make sure you were right in the head," Jimin said smirking. "You seem a bit loopy today."

"Yah!" I yell as Jimin walks around the couch and takes the book out of my hands. He then proceeded to sit in my lap and read it out loud. "Gimme that!" I exclaim as I try to get the book back, but Jimin extends his arms farther out so I can't reach it. J-Hope then rolls off the couch and proceeds to hug my leg while making weird noises, which to be a bit honest, is weird.

The creak of the door is heard by only me, and I look over to see a surprised Suga and Jin, while Jungkook had this shook expression on his face.

"So, having fun guys?" Suga asks while raising his eyebrow and smiling.

The three boys who were torturing me swung their heads towards the door and looked like a deer in headlights. Well, all except J-Hope. He just got up and hugged Suga making the same weird noises.

"Get off me you weirdo," Suga said and lightly pushed J-Hope off of his shoulder while smiling.

"What's up with you today? You're smiling!" I exclaim and casually retrieve my book from Jimin's grasp.

All the boys go wide-eyed and stare at Suga, anticipating his reply.

"Nothing much," He says casually while shrugging. "Now if you excuse me, I'll be in my room. Come with me guys, let's let our Namjoon read or do his own stuff."

All the guys hesitantly get up and follow him out of the room. Each looking like lost puppies, the soon vanished into the room while following the unusual-acting Suga.

"I guess I can finally read again," I mumble to myself quietly, slightly affected by being left out of all the fun and shrieks I hear coming from the other room. I grab a random book off the side-table and open it, still quite annoyed from the noise the others are creating.

'Better than them being attached to me, literally' I think to myself and begin to read the book.

*Suga and the boy's POV*

"Guys," Suga whispered once we were all in the room. "Y/N is moving in here. She should be here in a day or two, and she's bringing a dog."

J-Hope's eyes lit up at that last part. "A DOG!? OMG A DOG! A FLUFFY BUDDY TO RUN AROUND WITH ME!! YAY!" Then he proceeded to wave his arms around in the air happily while making quieter weird noises.

The rest of the boys had that excited light in their eyes, but could control their excitement much better than J-Hope could, because J-Hope's insane!

"I think we'll need to establish some rules before she gets here," Jin said thoughtfully.

"Right," Suga replied. "Any ideas guys?"

"Well, we should knock before we enter her room," V said out-loud.

"And we should soundproof our walls so we don't hear anything," Jimin added in jokingly.

"Why would we need to soundproof our walls?" Jungkook asked, wide-eyed and confused.

"You'll figure out eventually Kookie," V said while smirking.

"Alright guys, lets just figure out rules on our own and when she comes we'll use common sense. sound good?" Suga asked annoyed.

An echo of Yeahs and Alrights follow the voice of Suga and everyone casually leaves the room.

*Your POV*

"I'M GOING TO LIVE WITH ALL OF BTS!" I squeal as I dance around my room with Snowflake laying on my bed looking at me like i'm insane.

I better get packing...



Okay, I am SOOO Sorry for the super late update. Especially on a cliffhanger, that was mean on my behalf.

Every time I've tried to write, i get a really bad headache or get distracted, plus you know, life is in the way.

I'm so behind on all the new kpop memes and stuff so ill have to watch some of those eventually, when i have the time that is.

Well anyways, I hope this chapter is okay, and I'll stop wasting everyone's time.

Ill try to update more often!


*Admin E*

Two-Way Note (Namjoon x Reader)Where stories live. Discover now