Chapter 12

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"A story?" Dad asked.

Ricky nodded his head. I sat down on the couch next to JD so I can hear what has been going on with him lately. I was now growing even more curious than Curious George. "Tell us the story, Bubby." JD said.

Ricky began to gulp and sighed. "Okay. Remember when we went to the door that led to Europe?" Everyone nodded. "Remember when the ghost from Europe somehow followed us back home and we got rid of him?" Everyone nodded again. "Well, he wasn't completely gone. I was somehow kidnapped by him and I was sent to this weird pitch dark place and I couldn't see a thing. I saw the face of the ex husband and he told me that he's seeking revenge and wouldn't let me out. Then he decided to give out a deal with me." Ricky stopped for a moment.

"What was the deal?" I asked.

Ricky continued, "The deal was that he'll be able to free me, if he possess me."

Everyone in the room looked a little traumatized. "S-so that means you're possessed?" Mom asked.

"Yes. All the weird things that has been happening for the past couple of days have been me being possessed by the spirit of a creepy old man." Ricky said frowning a bit.

Lucille began to whine and Dad tried to calm him down. "Its okay, Lucille, its okay."

Suddenly Ricky began to hold his stomach like it was in pain. Then he began to hyperventilate. Mom quickly got up really rushed towards him. "What's the matter? Are you okay?"

"My stomach is burning!" Ricky cried.

"Quick. Someone get his inhaler." Mom demanded. Dad found his inhaler and tried to give it to him. Dad and Mom quickly shifted back when Ricky began to shoot out a really long black and white dust out of his mouth.

As the long dust came out and started swirling around on the ceiling, Ricky just laid on the ground with his eyes closed and his skin pale. "Ricky?" I asked to see if he'll respond.

Mom knelled down and check for his pulse. Mom gasped and began to tear up. "I-is he?" Dad asked. Mom nodded and began to tear up even more.

Just as I was afraid of from the start, my brother dying right in front of me. I kinda of knew it was coming, but not like this.

The Man (Sequel to The Door)Unde poveștirile trăiesc. Descoperă acum