Author's Note

186 3 16

Hello everyone, yes it's me.

I just want to apologize for not updating for about 2 months now.

Recently I broke up with my long term boyfriend, and the wound in my heart is still fresh, which made it hard for me to become productive. Please do understand (i need a huuug ㅠㅠ) ( I felt like Jungkook when he and Halla got separated *tears*)

But don't worry. I'm doing my best to work on the remaining chapters.

I already wrote 3/4 of the upcoming chapter so i'm here to say that i'm still alive and breathing haha.

Also, this 13th of May, i'll be taking a trip to Korea (and most probably visit all the places that I included in my story). So I may be able to publish the upcoming chapter once I get back to my home country.

Also, I missed you all. I missed updating and crying and laughing with you altogether 😭 Thanks for being patient with me guys ㅠㅠ  you make me go uwu everytime ㅋㅋ

I'll be back soon :)

Hope all is well,


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⏰ Última atualização: May 04, 2018 ⏰

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