Chapter 22: Light

Start from the beginning

Levi tched, walking away, and I gave a chuckle to Erwin. "Interesting choice of words there Erwin."

The blonde man scratched the back of his head uncomfortably. "I didn't mean it like that."

I gave him a smile. "I know. Thanks for the offer."

Erwin smiled back, waving a goodbye before he walked out the door.

I walked inside, settling down on the soft carpet they had, enjoying the warmth it gave me. Despite what just happened now, I most definitely still remember the conversation Levi and Erwin had.

I know it's not my place, but I was sure there was a lot more meaning behind the little words they shared. It was too suspicious to let it pass.

I wont bug Levi by asking him about it, because I know I'll get more than nothing out of it, but I'm not just gonna brush it off either. It'll be safely stored inside my memory.

I took out my laptop, turning it on so I could continue my assignment. There was only a bit left, so might as well finished it now.


Unfortunately, carpets can only give a certain amount of warmth before it just turns cold. I basically finished my assignment, the only thing left is to print it out. I glanced at the clock in the room.

12:01 am.

I stretched, my body sore and exhausted. Levi had closed all the curtains, and he's covered himself with his blankets.

Okay, I did not expect him to be like that.

As a good frenemy, I had to ask if he was alright. "Hey, you okay?"

The blankets shuffled, as Levi pulled them closer over his head. "Fuck off."


"Hey, I'm just looking out for you. No need to be a bitch about it."

"Fuck off."

I shrugged, clearly this guy doesn't want to give a fuck. "Whatever bastard."

He stayed silent for a while, before tugging down the blanket just enough so I can see his face. "Sorry..."

I froze.

The Levi "Bitch" Ackerman just say sorry?

I looked up at him, my eyes widening. He does not look like he's in a good state. It was barely visible, but he was shaking. What the hell? Is he sick? Does he have a fever of something?

His eyes were closed as I crept softly to him. As gently as I can, I reached out my hand to touch his temple.

As soon as it made contact, Levi's eyes snapped open. His steel blue eyes seemed to glow as he glared at me with such force I had to retract my hand at first sight.

"What are you doing?" He growled, his voice low.

I was baffled, taking small steps back. "Sorry, I was just checking if you had a fever..."

A deep rumbling sound erupted from Levi, making me flinch back.

This sound.... it's all too familiar. My breath hitched as the rumbling sound grew louder, and Levi slowly rose from his position.



"Levi! I'm sorry I fucking touched your fucking head! I'm sorry! Just stop! You're--" I choked, unable to continue.

Step by step, Levi rose from his slouched position. His eyes glowed as the rumbling turned into what sounded like a snarl.

Everything was fuzzy in my eyes. I couldn't see anything right, it was all a blur.

What's going on?

I felt myself being choked.

I can't breath.

Everything's white.

Am I dead?

I strained to breath. Visions flashed before my eyes. Pain. Blood. Death. I opened my mouth to a silent scream, my body losing all it's ability.


What the-- Who the hell said that? Levi?

You're alive, but you must run.

In my time of desperation, I listened to the soothing voice, desperate to hear what it must say.

Follow me.

I mentally nodded, not knowing what is right or wrong anymore. This voice, whatever it is, was my only hope from escaping this darkness.

Open your eyes, and follow me.

I opened my eyes but everything was dark and blurry.

"WHERE ARE YOU??!!" I screamed, turning around back and forth, panic rising in my body.

I am here.

A blinding light made me abruptly shut my eyes, before opening it to a narrow slit. A white figure stood out from the darkness, a lighy of hope.

I jumped trying to reach it, but something was holding me back.

The light was fading.

I screamed, using all my strength to free myself from the darkness' grasps, sprinting towards the light.

I didn't feel anything. I didn't think about anything. All that mattered was that I can reach the light.

And I did.

A sense of warmth and overwhelming calmness dawned over me as the bright light hugged my gaze.

I felt no fear, even when I couldn't feel the ground beneath my feet, or that the wind was rushing on my body.

I couldn't feel anything as I started to lose consciousness.

The last thing I heard was from the same soothing voice that came from the light that had freed me from the dark.

I am always here.








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