4. the malia

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[year 2018 - same timeline as ch. 2]

"what now, malia? do you still think jae is the one who put you into this?"

"yes!" i answered matter-of-factly. sam rolled his eyes in disagreement.

seriously tho, jae knows i love marshmallows then magically, someone from the mall bumps into me giving me a free access to marshworld where i spend most of my time eating unlimited marshmallows on chocolate fountains and extra churritos and drinking bottomless iced tea. and everyone knows only the guys with black cards go there for their gold-priced access tix.

no one would spend 50 bucks on me for that. unless it's the poor jae, and my bestfriend rich sammy, which i know will never be because sammy is just rich, not generous. (kidding. he loves me, i know, but does not tolerate my food enthusiasm)

"i mean, why does he need to do that? he can't even spend less than 5 bucks on himself and wears the same socks for a month."

"maybe it is his way of getting back to you, bro," sammy opened up his mouth with stupid speeches and then he reached for my take-out marshmallows.

"that's stupid, bro," i said, leaning in his shoulder. "he's busy. he has work. he doesn't need me anymore. that's why we broke up."

"no," he opposed, "jae loves you so much that he's choosing your happiness."

"is that what he told you?" i asked, rolling my eyes at him and slapping him on his shoulder. "you know what, woosung oppa, stop befriending him for me. it won't do you guys any good."

"actually, it does. he's a gamer although he's not that good. at least, i can get to play with someone other than you."

"i hate you. you know?"

"you roll your eyes like sixty-nine times a day or more than that. of course, i know you hate me, maya."

"it's malia."

"i prefer maya, please," he smiled at me mockingly and guided me when we reached the stairs.

we're currently walking towards the exit of the mall. i consciously held sam's cap when i noticed people are trying to look at him too closely. i am not up for a scandal issue with the rose's vocalist.

i don't know why i love being involved in band members in korea. ugh~

"where is your car?" i asked him when we were out. it was raining as hell so we waited in the shed for a while.

"i don't know. symeria borrowed it three hours ago."

"how are we supposed to get home now, woosung-i oppa?"

"ugh, can you stop calling me that?" he rolled his eyes at me.

i grimaced. "stop it, sammy. you love to hear me calling you that, just admit it."

"whatever. you dummy."

sam called symeria, his older sister.

"she's coming. let's wait inside that coffee shop." he pointed the establishment in front of us.

"it's heavy raining. don't expect me to run across--holy shit! byeongsin-a!" i screamed when he suddenly pulled me out in the rain and tried to run fast as we avoid the cars passing by. we are caught in the traffic because cars keep honking and sam is plain stupid because he keeps laughing and playing in the rain while crossing the busy street.

at last, we found the coffee shop but we cannot enter because we are soaking wet. he called out a server and ordered some hot chocolate for the both of us. when it was served, we were shocked when a police officer suddenly approached us.

"that was quite a scene you made there," the cute police officer smiled at us, reaching his eyes. his name is han wootak and he doesn't look scary but then he started writing in his paper.

"names?" he asked us.

"i really hate you, sam," i whispered on sam's ear as i give mr. han wootak our names.

"pay the price of the thing you've done wrong, children."

the cute police officer walked out leaving us a burden. i can't believe my first offense is jay walking. it's a shame!

"heard that, weakling? pay the price of the thing you've done wrong," sam blabbered. i hit him in the head and pinched his ears which easily got red.

"i don't have 20 bucks. pay for it. you made me do it."

"i will. promise me one thing?" he asked. i exhaled in his face. this isn't good.

"shut the hell up," i replied.

"okay. spend your night on the police station," he ignored me and waved. "here's our ride. drink your chocolate faster. it's not hot anymore," he said and sipped everything on his cup. i did the same and stood.

we got inside of the car, i on the passenger seat and sam on the backseat. i greeted symeria and passed her a marshmallow pack which she happily ate on.

"i am really on the wrong side of life today," sam stated, put his bare feet in the back of the my headrest. "got a ticket for jaywalking and now sitting at the back of my own car."

"it's because you're a loser," sym and i said in unison and laughed at it.

sym started the car. "going home with maya or dorm?"

"sym, it's malia," i corrected.

"it's maya for me, please." i lifted the side of my lips in disagreement. they're really siblings, that for sure.

"dorm, sym. but police station pls."

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